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Amedeo Saluzzo
Anastasius Bibliothecarius
Annuario Pontificio
Antipope Adalbert
Antipope Alexander V
Antipope Anacletus II
Antipope Benedict X
Antipope Benedict XIII
Antipope Benedict XIV
Antipope Boniface VII
Antipope Callixtus III
Antipope Celestine II
Antipope Christopher
Antipope Clement III
Antipope Clement VII
Antipope Clement VIII
Antipope Constantine II
Antipope Dioscorus
Antipope Eulalius
Antipope Felix II
Antipope Gregory VI
Antipope Gregory VIII
Antipope Honorius II
Antipope Innocent III
Antipope John VIII
Antipope John XVI
Antipope John XXIII
Antipope Laurentius
Antipope Nicholas V
Antipope Paschal
Antipope Paschal III
Antipope Philip
Antipope Sylvester IV
Antipope Theodore
Antipope Theodoric
Antipope Ursicinus
Antipope Victor IV (1138)
Antipope Victor IV (1159–1164)
Avignon Papacy
Council of Constance
Council of Pisa
Hippolytus of Rome
Tommaso Brancaccio
Western Schism