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The Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC) is the oldest online Napoleonic wargaming organization. It was founded in 1998 for the enjoyment of playing Napoleonic computer games with people from all over the world. Currently games are conducted via PBEM (Play-By-Email), TCP/IP & Real Time Play. It currently supports several Napoleonic games from Wargame Design Studio (WDS) [Formerly John Tiller Software (JTS)], AGEOD, Matrix Games, Slitherine Software, TalonSoft and Histwar. Lastly it also hosts many great resources, gaming & history wise, on various webpages.

Club administration


Club Staff


The Club Staff handles the daily administration of the Club, such as updating the various webpages, updating the Clubs OOB, updating records of its members including giving rewards, promotions, positions, etc., and handling wider matters such as adding new games to the club. The Club Staff is made up of volunteers with long term experience ind the club. The Board is composed of various administrators covering the wide range of things to handle as well as the French Commander in Chief and the Allied Coalition Commander in Chief, both representing the two main sides members can join. In addition to that, each army has senior leaders on various levels of the command chain to help members with any questions or concerns or other problems that might come up.

Club Environment




There are two sides the French Army (Napoleon's La Grande Armée) & the Allied Coalition, which includes many nations just as the real Collations did. Although members have to chose a side anyone on any side of the Club can be played against, and also any side within a game can be played. A later change of the side, or a faction within a side, is possible. So although the games played will help advance a members career as an officer of a faction, the choosing of a side does not interfere with the gaming that can be done.



After joining and picking a side respectively faction, the members becomes a leader of an infantry, cavalry or artillery unit. A beginning rank is assigned from which one can be promoted, usually by active gaming. Active gaming also results, sometimes depending on the outcome of games, in awards, orders & medals, as well as nobility titles and possible entry into your army's elite Guard unit.

Department of Records


The Department of Records (DoR) is used by the members to register games and keeping track of their career's, and by the staff to handle the bookkeeping of the NWC.

Discussion Board


The main section of the Discussion Board is the so called "Rhine Tavern", here members gather to have fun, meet each other, talk and share some stories over a "virtual" drink or two. There is also often discussions about the Revolutionary/Napoleonic & Seven Years' War period in general and everything related to it. The members discussions are usually on a factual attitude, but a little friendly banter is not only allowed but also encourage. Besides this there are various other sections including the "Opponent Finder" section for finding opponents to play games, a "Feedback Section" to give game or scenario specific feedback, the "Napoleon's Marketplace" for trade within the membership, a "History Section" hosting information's in various formats(read, listen or watch), the "Off Topic Tavern" for none club related discussions, and the "Strategic Napoleonic Games" for purely strategic none-tactical games that cover the Napoleonic period. Lastly there are also side specific forum sections that can only be accessed by members of the respective side.



The membership is composed of many long term veterans ranging back to the start of the NWC. Some members are even part of the developer of the various by the NWC supported games. With that there is plentiful of wisdom & support possible, ranging from sharing strategies, advice & tips about the games to helping with game related problems.



Role-playing is encouraged but not mandatory. It is to portray the natural rivalry and positions of the French and the Coalition, this includes friendly banter.



The NWC is a Club focused on gaming and history, a place to find like minded people to have gaming fun and to stir in the "soup" of history of the depicted eras. It aims to promote the playing of Revolutionary/Napoleonic & Seven Years' War wargames and to spread knowledge & allow discussions of the Napoleonic Wars, French Revolutionary Wars and the Seven Years' War.

The NWC provides a friendly atmosphere where members of all skill levels, from the beginner to the expert player, are welcome for gaming and to experience the military and historical flavor of the Revolutionary/Napoleonic & Seven Years' War period. It aims to be much more than just a ladder organization, but rather an environment where members become a part of something larger. Its historical layout with much historical flavor is meant to add an extra element of fun & depth, but is also a way of building an Esprit de Corps and giving the feeling of being a part of something more than just the another online club. The dedicated & experienced Club Staff is always working to ensure this, along with many senior leaders of the various factions that help with any questions, concerns or problems that might come up.

The NWC does not enforce participation, members play games as they have time, meaning that real life has priority.

All this sums up to a splendid & lasting member's experience.

See also



  • "Napoleonic Wargaming Club". www.wargame.ch. Retrieved 28 August 2022.

Category:Organizations established in 1998