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Preparatory Assignment

Mao Zedong, On Contradiction
| On Contradiction is an article on Wikipedia that discusses the article written by | Mao Zedong. The Wikipedia article could elaborate o on the specific points of Mao's argument. Mao dedicates his article to "studying this law, therefore, we cannot but touch upon a variety of questions, upon a number of philosophical problems. If we can become clear on all these problems , we shall arrive at a fundamental understanding of materialistic dialectics[1]." Mao breaks his essay into about 8 different sections. He discusses the "philosophical problems" of the laws of contradiction. I think the Wikipedia article should break down and analyze each problem. The Wikipedia author talks about antagonistic contradiction, but does not truly go into depth with this concept. Things that should be added to the Wikipedia article are the two world outlooks, the universality of contradiction, the particularity of contradiction, the principal contradiction and principal aspect of contradiction, the identity and struggle of aspects of contradiction, and the antagonism in contradiction. These points are vaguely touched on in the Wikipedia article, but these points deserve more attention and detail. The Wikipedia author claims that contradiction "usually refers to an opposition of social forces." I do not completely agree with this statement and feel it is too suggestive. I believe that Mao stresses that everything is made up and developed by contradiction; however, he uses this argument to talk about social views. The Wikipedia pages gives the most basic ideas of Mao's essay but it is too short to give Mao's essay the summary it deserves.
Yin and Yang
| Yin and Yang is a concept of light and dark. In my Chinese Philosphy class, the yin yang concept was related to Mao Zedong's essay | On Contradiction. I, personally, do not have an extensive knowledge of the history of yin yang. However, I think there is a section of Religion and philosophy in which a reference to On Contradiction could be added. Yin yang is an idea of the contradictions and differences in life, and Mao writes, difference is itself contradiction [...] Antagonism is one form, but not the only form, of the struggle of opposites[2]." Mao believes that two contradictions feel antagonism when they are trying to become one another. He uses the example of war and peace. At certain times, war eventually becomes peace, and vice versa. In the same context, yin and yang represent places of darkness and places of light. As the position of light changes, the area of yin can become yang and yang can become yin. I think this input will help to expand a readers knowledge and give reference to an interesting point. It is definitely a connection that can be drawn and expanded on as a valuable explanation of the idea of opposites that is represented by yin yang. Yin yang is also a good example to include in the explanation of On Contradiction on Wikipedia.
Philosophy of Human Rights
| Philosophy of human rights is a article written on Wikipedia discussing the meanings of human rights and different philosophies of the concept. I thought this would be a good place to add a Chinese philosophers view on human rights. Luo Longji's essay On Human Rights does not have its own Wikipedia page. The Philosophy of human rights article can always take additions of new information and ideas on the topic. Luo believes that there are problems today with people recognizing that they have human rights. Some people have given up on their need and belief in human rights, thinking of human rights as "abstract terms[3]." It also seems like a beneficial idea to talk about the relationship between a person's actions and human rights. Luo writes that people have requirements for being obligated to having these human rights, one must make sure to "[be] a person[4]." Obtaining human rights is definitely a dominating factor in understand human rights and the struggle for upholding these rights. Luo gives one more explanation about what rights are and what he believes to be other people's perspectives on rights. I think this addition to the article will broaden its views and provide a different type of philosophy to be written about.
Wikipedia and Chinese Philosophy
Everyone knows that one of the main conflicts of using Wikipedia is the accuracy of the work. Chinese philosophy is a very broad topic. It will be hard to try to include every detail about a topic in an article. One has to remember that the Wikipedia entries are used for relaying information on the web. The information should not be biased, and the philosophical views should not be debated. When writing about different authors, articles, and essays, the writer needs to focus on what the original author (whom they are writing on) is saying in their piece. It is not a place to critique the writings but to represent the points and views of the philosopher. Also, with Chinese philosophy, there should be some extent of history in the articles. A Wikipedia editor may want to add a background of the situation of China and its politics at the time the philosopher lived or when the article was written. A Wikipedia editor needs to remember the main focus of adding Chinese philosophy pages to the encyclopedia and work with others who are attempting to expand the Wikipedia database's knowledge of Chinese philosophy.


  1. ^ Zedong, Mao (1937). On Contradiction. p. 23.
  2. ^ Zedong, Mao (1937). On Contradiction. p. 23.
  3. ^ Angle, Stephen (2001). Chinese Human Rights Reader. M. E. Sharpe Incorporated. p. 138. ISBN 9780765606938. {{cite book}}: More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)
  4. ^ Angle, Stephen (2001). Chinese Human Rights Reader. M. E. Sharpe Incorporated. p. 138. ISBN 9780765606938. {{cite book}}: More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)