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Schowe was a Donauschwaben community consisting of Alt Schowe and Neu Schowe located in what is now the South Bačka District, Vojvodina, of Serbia.

Settlers from mostly the regions West of the Rhine came down the Danube and settled here in 1786. The community blossomed until 1944/1945 when the German settlers were forced out of killed in the Donauschwaben Genocide.

The village is now know known as Ravno Selo.



The community consisted of Alt Schowe and Neu Schowe. Other names for the village through time in and different languages included: Schowe – Sóvé - Sove - Soove Altschowe - Alt Schowe - Alt-Schowe - Ó-Sóvé - O-Sove - Stare Sove - Vetus Soove Neuschowe - Neu Schowe - Neu-Schowe - Újsóvé - Ujsove - Nove Sove - Nova Sove - Neo Soove



The location was populated since Roman times, first references date to 15th century. When German settlers arrived they chose to buid their community adjacent to the existing name Sove. The community was split into Alt Schowe and Neu Schowe in 1820.



Festschrift zur Hundertfünfzigjahrfeier der Ansiedlungsgemeinden Neu-Altschowe (Batschka) in Jugoslavien 1786 – 1936 Published 1936 for the 150th anniversary of the founding of the settlements Neuschowe and Altschowe In German

Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Schowe – Festschrift zur 175-Jahrfeier der Gemeinde Schowe Christian Ludwig Brücker Published by the Schoweer Heimatausschuß - 1961 In German

Gedenkschrift 200 Jahre Schowe Gedenkschrift zur 200-Jahr-Feier unserer Heimatgemeinde Neu-Schowe 1786 – 1986 Christian Ludwig Brücker Published by the Schoweer Heimatausschuß - 1986 In German

