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Ebaleto (talk) 00:49, 2 June 2019 (UTC)

This article refers to our class social media engagement because it focuses on media and gender. When evaluating the content of this article I found areas of relevancy and areas that need improvement. I believe everything in the article is relevant to this topic, however, one component of this article that distracted me was the 'Manic Pixie Girl Dream'. This section distracted me because the majority of the concepts covered by the article I have been educated about, however, I was not aware of this phrase prior to reading this article. One area that I felt was a bit out of date or at least could use an update was the report investigation of female characters in popular films. The statistics included in this section dated back to 2009-2013 when there have been huge strides for women in film since 2017. Something that I thought was severely missing from this article was more information on the representation and miss-representation of men in media. Although women have taken the brunt of misrepresentation in the industry, this article does not cover enough content regarding men or non-binary characters. If this article was solely to focus on women and media I would understand the lack of content on men but it is covering media and GENDER so more content on men and non-binary characters representation, or lack of, in media, needs to be improved.

When evaluating the tone of this article I would definitely say it leans more in support of females and strongly against the patriarchy. However, this tone was positive and did not minimize male misrepresentation in media in order to boost up females. I do not feel there is any information that is overrepresented, I did express above that I feel this article does not cover enough content regarding men or non-binary characters. With so many tv shows and movies including a more diverse cast and non-binary characters, there should be more information regarding this minority group's struggles and successes in media.

When evaluating the sources of this article and checking a few of the citations the links worked beside the source for the "Gender Stereotypes in Children's Television Cartoons" which was tagged as an unreliable source by a previous user. Besides that unreliable source, the majority of the sources strongly support the claim of the article and each fact is referenced with an appropriate and reliable source. The information supporting the claims in this article came from media journals written and researched by communication and media scholars. At least ten of the sources cited were journals covering female representation and feminism, while no sources were solely about men. The only sources that included men were sources covering generally covering gender equality and bias in media.

When checking the talk page, the conversations going on behind the scenes of about how to represent media and gender consisted of users feeling as though the page was more about media and women rather than the inclusion of both men and women in media as a whole. The article was rated well and is a part of WikiProject Gender Studies, WikiProject Media, and WikiProject Men's Issues.

The way Wikipedia discusses this topic differs from the way we've talked about it in class because the discussions behind the scenes challenge the concepts of the article instead of posting a response that agrees with all the content. I think it's important for others to speak up about and question everything because you can always learn more or improve.