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Virtual reality has become a major technological advancement in the past nine years, and has made tremendous progress to make the best experience that is possible.. The mechanics of virtual reality headsets of virtual reality has drastically changed since the initial creation of the headset. As virtual reality continues to improve, many social implications, social and ethical issues, and security aspects of the headsets have also increased. Some recent social uses of virtual reality headsets include PTSD therapy, anatomic diagrams for medical students, and interactive learning experiences for children. Ethical issues involving VR Headsets include the increase in the use of virtual reality to conduct, plan, or simulate crime.

Since its creation, many issue have surfaced. Issues like privacy due to the collection of recordings from headsets as well as people planning or simulating crimes are prevalent because of the advancement of virtual reality. Although there are some drawbacks, many benefits for society have resulted from the usefulness of these headsets. Students are able to better educate themselves and are able to fully visualize what they are learning through the realistic simulations that are possible because of virtual reality, from medical students to elementary. Many people can learn and be treated for post traumatic stress disorder because of simulations run by virtual reality headsets. With more advancement in virtual reality, society can expect more opportunities and change in the future.