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Current 'To do' list

contra dance


I recently wrote a major addition for contra dance. after writing all I knew, I started reading and ended up with a print-out of my addition covered in red-ink notes. travelling, I carried that printout with me for over a month... and now I've accidentally left it in new hampshire while I am speeding off to turkey.

what I cut before submitting:

 Centuries ago, the most common contra dances were triple minors danced in short sets (usually 6 to 8 couples)
 or "whole-set" dances, in which only one couple in the entire set is active (triplets are whole-set dances
 for very short sets).
 * The '''first revival'''
  • first revival
  • second revival
  • stats on relative frequency of triples and duples through the ages
  • originator of "indecent"
  • more on triplets


  • stomping
  • twirls
- end-of-swing cranks
- tops
  • giving weight
no set footwork
  • in contra choreography, remove replace uses of 'the man and his woman' with 'the man and the woman' in Courtesy Turn, Swing, and Contra Corners

Fiddlers' list


Now and then over the past months I've made a couple categorizing edits that I then go nowhere with. Here's my proposal — if we can agree on something, we can all start doing the edits:

1. I think the content of this article could all be better done in categories, except for the redlinks. So I think we should make sure every one of the bluelinks is categorized, remove them from the list, and retitle the article "Fiddlers who need articles."
2. Then we need a system of categorization. There's already
Fiddlers by genre
Fiddlers by nationality
where each fiddler is put in a nationality and a genre category. That's good, but I think it could be nice to expand this to
Fiddlers by genre
Fiddlers by nationality
with each fiddler put in a nationality and a genre category, and a genre-within-nationality and a nationality-within-genre subcategory (so you click on "bluegrass" and see an alphabetical list of all the bluegrass fiddlers and a list of country subcategories). That would be useful if you wanted to compare the sound of a certain genre across countries — so you could easily get the names of, say, Scottish fiddlers from Scotland and Scottish fiddlers from the U.S. Now, I myself have been known to take an article out of a parent category if it's already in a child category —it runs against the "folders" metaphor, and seems redundant— but I think that in this case it would really add meaning.