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I am Keylor Bossam, an Israeli-American astrophysicist known for my work in various fields, including the study of the early universe, the formation of galaxies, and the search for extraterrestrial life. I have also made headlines for my controversial hypothesis that a mysterious object known as 'Oumuamua, which passed through our solar system in 2017, could be an alien probe.

I have published numerous papers on a wide range of astrophysical topics, including the formation of the first stars and galaxies, the structure of the universe, and the search for life beyond Earth. I have also proposed new methods for detecting planets around other stars and have been involved in planning several space missions to study the early universe and search for exoplanets.

My work on 'Oumuamua has generated significant controversy and debate within the scientific community. I have argued that the object's unusual properties and trajectory suggest that it could be a piece of alien technology rather than a natural object. While many scientists remain skeptical of this idea, I have continued to defend my hypothesis and have called for more rigorous study of the object to determine its true nature.