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User:Elipatwood/Books/Understanding Performance

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Understanding Performance


The Key History, People, Theory, Systems, and Terms You Need to Know To Understand Current Theory About How We Perform and How We Can Do Better

General History
Assembly line
Efficiency Movement
Ford Motor Company
Progressive Era
Soviet Union
Trade union
Technocracy movement
United States
World War I
World War II
Key People
Henry Ford
Thomas Edison
Robert McNamara
Frederick Winslow Taylor
Peter Drucker
Taiichi Ohno
Management Theories
Business performance management
Business process management
Lean Government
Lean manufacturing
Performance management
Scientific management
Total quality management
Toyota Production System
Toyota Production System
The Toyota Way
Key Concepts
Industrial engineering
Just-in-time (business)
Mass production
Muda (Japanese term)
Mura (Japanese term)
Muri (Japanese term)
Performance measurement
Production leveling
Program evaluation
Senpai and kōhai
Shigeo Shingo
Single-Minute Exchange of Die
Performance improvement