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Anglo-Saxons Life


~Most Anglo-Saxons were farmers and they usually live off land crops and plants {Eg. mushrooms, fruit and sometimes vegetables]

The Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain around 450.

  • The Anglo-Saxons came from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.
  • Many of the Anglo-Saxons that came over were farmers.
  • The Anglo-Saxons had a very varied diet.
  • The Anglo-Saxons lived in wooden huts.
  • The first Anglo-Saxons were Pagans.
Anglo-Saxon Pottery

On a typical day an Anglo- would usually wake up at about 6 in the morning and eat at about 1 pm and they would usually go to bed at 7 pm. Some chores that the Anglo-Saxons might of done could of been going out to hunt or making weapons as gifts to other family such as the female members.

Only a few children learned to read and write. The sons of kings or wealthy families might be taught at home by a private teacher. The only schools were run by the Christian church, in monasteries. Some children lived there to train as monks and nuns.

The Anglo-Saxons enjoyed horse racing, hunting, feasting and music-making. They played dice and board games such as draughts and chess. Entertainment during feasts included listening to a harp being played and juggling balls and knives. Children played with balls, hoops and something called whipper tops.

When you needed the toilet, you would have found a quiet spot in the forest or put it in holes in the ground. Some indoor loos have been removed at in the Orkney Islands where there was an important settlement, it would have been very cold in winter.

Spears, used for piercing and throwing, were the most common weapon. Other commonplace weapons included the sword, axe, and knifes however, bows and arrows, as well as slings, were not usually used by the Anglo-Saxons.

Timeline of Anglo-Saxon England

449: Angels and Saxons first arrive in Britain.

590s-700: Anglo-Saxons becomes to Christianity.

787: Viking invasion begin.

878: making of the Danelaw.

937: Battle of Brunanburh.

957-975: England united under King Edgar.

1016: Cnut becomes king of England.