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What is culture

Culture, a word about the way people live, meaning the way people do things. Different groups of people may have different cultures. Culture, by training, is transferred to the next generation while genetics are passed on by heredity. Each region of the country where the culture can be different from other parts of the country, Edward Taylor (1917-1832), a complex set of cultural knowledge, beliefs, arts, law, morals, habits, and as a person as a member of the Society of It is their community, definesScience or knowledge is structured and arranged to generate knowledge about the natural world, in the form of explanations and predictions Zmayshshdny. Danshshnasy knowledge or science, with three elements: data, information and knowledge are dealing. In other words, Danshshnasy the discussion about knowledge and its constructive elements, examines the data and information.In ancient Greece, Socrates (470-399 BC. M) father of knowledge, philosophy, and Plato (427-348 BC. M), and after him, Aristotle (384-322 BC. M), to vote against the elders and the principles and rules to deal with right thinking and assessment for Posts and arguments were developed. [10] In the fifteenth century AD, researchers in Europe and the Middle East, dusty shelves of the old buildings were searched and found the manuscripts and inscriptions in Greek and Roman writers Classical, Renaissance reached. This work, new knowledge was called Tends to coincide with the classical writings, the values ​​of personal attention that was the name of humanitarianism. Proponents of this trend, rather than spiritual issues, more than ever, the human interest was considered. Humanism and the Renaissance, from Italy emerged. In the Renaissance, Galileo (1564-1642 AD.), Physics (natural science) of the secular and the theological (or metaphysical science Fratbyt) as an independent. Since then, the fulcrum of physics, was a man of wisdom.