User:Ender 441014
Hi, my name is Preston Hill. I am a mechanical engineering student at Rice University. My primary goal in creating this wikipedia account is to add to the following pages based on a course (CAAM 210 (Computational and Applied Mathematics)) here at Rice.
- Bisection Search Method
- Dominating Sets (and Social Networks)
- Newton's Method and Newton's Method in the Complex Plane
- Monte Carlo Method
- Machine Learning (Creating a Perceptron)
In CAAM 210, we used Matlab to learn the above processes. The wikipedia pages for these are a bit dense and so my goal is to turn the curriculum I went through this semester into examples people browsing wikipedia could try, or at least understand more easily.
As of right now (4-10-14), I have the assignment pdfs from CAAM 210 and have begun editing them for general consumption. Thoughts and input are welcome!