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User:Ericklemusss/Education of immigrants in the United States/Kangaboo Peer Review

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Education of immigrants in the United States

Evaluate the drafted changes[edit]

(Compose a detailed peer review here, considering each of the key aspects listed above if it is relevant. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what feedback looks like.)

The addition to racial differences in educational attainment is well structured and gives me a clear understanding of education disparities of immigrants in the US as well as its importance. It might be beneficial to understand some potential underlying reasons why Latin immigrants and Asian immigrants have differing levels of formal education when marrying outside of their race. It also might be worth expanding on what factors influence Latinos to move to cities with high poverty, legal violence, and separation from children, and perhaps explain more about these factors. All the content has reliable sources. It makes it more complete by connecting the article to ESL programs, immigration trends for Latinos, and interracial marriage. The organization could be less abrupt, if there was a way to tie in interracial marriage and education disparities into the other topic you discuss.