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User:Ernesto selma

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Oshana shiwa is a large forested village in Okongo town.Okongo is situated 120 KM east of Eenhana, in Ohangwena region .Its Geographical location is Ohangwena, Namibia, Africa. Oshana Shiwa is 4km to okongo, people mostly walk to town as it has all the infrastructures and services needed.

The village[edit]

There are a lot of people in this village but homestead are far from each other, about 2 to 3 km's apart, this vilage lack electricity, clinics and shops, people travel for long hours to collect fire wood and clean water. since its near okongo, few closer homes has little network connection, but for full network coverage, most people with phones climb on trees to receive calls and texts. people with phones have to walk to town to charge their phones and it cost per phone N$3.50. people in this village survive by cultivating in thier farms mahangu and on their cattles and goats.


Since the was a great need of clean water in this village, the governement provided one tap between the village that every one can use, some people find it hard to go there as it is far from their homes and do not have means to carry the water on. their was no proper sanitation so the government provided each house with building materials enough to build a toilet ineach homestead

Educational sector[edit]

The educational sector in oshana shiwa has about only 1 primary school, Ondambelele primary school, no teacher's accommodations and no secondary school, after one has completed their primary schooling, they have to walk early mornings, walk for 4 to 5 km's to go to secondary school in the town, which is okongo. Due to a lack of technology most of the students especially at the secondary level end up not performing well because they do not get access to technology like computers,Have to spend to much hours walking to and from school, have to work in the field to feed the family. Most people who stays there are not educated because of what they have to go through to get the education, some can not even afford to pay school fees.

Health services[edit]

Concerning the provision of health service and facilities, there are no clinics in this village , they have to go to okongo. Okongo hospital is having a 62-bed hospital equipped with a mortuary. Most people die trying to get to the hospital, as they are no transport's, most sick people have to walk all the way there. women usually deliver home thier children or spend days at the hospital waiting to deliver.



Created by[Ernesto selma,2010, Oshana Shiwa]