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.IPA, body .IPA, body .API, .ipa, /*de wikt*/
span[lang|=he-Latn-fonipa], span[lang|=yi-Latn-fonipa]
 font-size: 110%;
 line-height: 170%;
 letter-spacing: 1pt; /*redundant?*/

.Arab, .fa-Arab, .glk-Arab, .kk-Arab, .ks-Arab,
.ku-Arab, .mzn-Arab, .ota-Arab, .pa-Arab, .ps-Arab,
.sd-Arab, .tt-Arab, .ug-Arab, .ur-Arab, .ms-Arab
 font-size: 140%;

span[lang|=he]:not(.IPA), span[lang|=yi]:not(.IPA), bdi[lang|=he]:not(.IPA),
 div[lang|=he]:not(.IPA), div[lang|=yi]:not(.IPA),
   .script-hebrew, .script-Hebr,
   .Hebr /*wikt*/
 font-size: 145%;

.mwe-popups /*fr wiki hover*/
 letter-spacing: -0.38pt;
 line-height: normal;
 font-size: 80%;
/*    LegibleHalfRings,*/ Menlo, "Red Hat Mono",
    "PT Mono", "Lucida Console",
    "Miriam Fixed", MiriamMonoCLM-Bold,
    "Courier New Bold", /* ar+he */
    Heebo, Alef, "Noto Sans Hebrew", "Miriam Mono CLM",
    "Droid Arabic Naskh",
    "DejaVu Sans Mono",
    Geneva, Roboto,
    "Roboto Mono", "SF Mono", /*diacritics*/
    Damascus, Muna, "Geeza Pro", "Noto Naskh Arabic", "SF Arabic",
    "Courier New", FreeMono,
    "Verdana Pro", "Verdana Pro Condensed",
    "DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Condensed",
    "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Lucida Sans Unicode",
    "Segoe UI",
    Cousine, /* bad bold minerva grc cyr */ "Courier Code",
    "Times New Roman", "Dialekt Uni",
    "Noto Sans Coptic", "Noto Sans Tamil", TheneeUni,
    TheneeUniRegular, Vijaya, Ebrima,
    "Segoe UI Historic", "Noto Sans Phoenician",
    "Noto Sans Buginese",
    Kefa, "Noto Sans Ethiopic", "Noto Serif Ethiopic",
    FreeSerif, "Segoe UI Symbol",
    Quivira, "Microsoft Yi Baiti",
    "Noto Sans Samaritan", "Noto Sans Sundanese",
    "Segoe UI Emoji", "Noto Emoji";