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Evangel Athial is an author and journalist. His latest book, 'Hitler And The Decline of Shah Dynasty With A Romantic Twist'has a legion of fans around the world.

HITLER AND THE DECLINE OF SHAH DYNASTY (PAPERBACK) “His astounding sway over the masses, the victories and conquests against all odds, the appalling viciousness and cold-bloodedness, and the total lack of remorse even at the doorstep of death are proofs of this supernatural aid and influence.” He said.

My eyes were still fixed at the ice walls.

“Also, this was the only reason he wouldn't marry Eva Braun in spite of her repeated requests.” He said after some time.

“What has this to do with marriage?” I asked.

“A lot: as you know, a Christian marriage is solemnized in a church by a priest. Hitler knew he could never stand before the altar, in the presence of God.”

“But they were married before their death.” I said.

“Yes, and no: the so called marriage performed on the morning of April twenty nine, nineteen forty five was an eye-wash. The man who married them, Walther Wagner was a minor official of the Propaganda Ministry who had no authority to solemnize marriages. Even in death, Hitler had no pangs of guilt in being deceitful to the innocent girl who had been loyal to him throughout. He said For the first time, I felt sorry for the Dictator's mistress of sixteen years.”