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User:FFF35fff25/Вышневолоцкий краеведческий музей

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Vyshnevolotsky Museum of Local history

Vyshnevolotsky Museum of Local history named after G.G. Monakhovaya is an important cultural center not only of the Vyshnevolotsk Region, but also of the entire Tver Region.

Since 1977, it has been a branch of the Tver State United Museum (TSUM).

History creating of museum[edit]

The museum was opened on November 7, 1932. The museum's collection reflects the geology, flora and fauna of the area. Since 1947, the museum has kept a book of the main fund. With the help and activity of the new director Alexander Khristianovich Repman, a guide to the archaeological monuments of the Vyshnevolotsk region was compiled.


The museum has exhibition and lecture halls, a room for a scientific library, funds with modern equipment. At the beginning of the exposition there is a map that illustrates and tells the story of the Vyshnevolotsk water system. This waterway was especially in demand by Novgorod merchants who bought bread in the Volga region.

The Petrovsky Hall of the museum tells about the construction of the first shipping channel in Russia. The hall presents: a bust of Peter the Great, ship cannons, cannons, anchors, hooks found at the bottom of the canals, ceremonial officers' weapons, travel journals of Peter the Great, commemorative medals of the Northern War, a unique book by historian I.I. Golikov "The Deeds of Peter the Great".

Serdyukovsky Hall tells about the Novogorod merchant M.I. Serdyukov (1678-1754). Its exposition presents: a picturesque portrait of the merchant, his memorandum addressed to the sovereign with proposals for improving the waterway, the book "On the ways that create the free river navigation" (1710), presented to the hydrobuilder by Peter the Great, a map, compiled by Serdyukov's son Ivan. Portrait of Elena's daughter, interior of the office. The layout of the gateway from the exposition gives an idea of the operation of the gateway gates.

Fragment of the exposition of the Vyshnevolotsky Museum

The exposition of the Catherine Hall presents: a nominal Decree to the Senate dated May 28, 1770. about the establishment of the city, a portrait of the governor of Novogorod, Count Y.E. Sivers, a map of the Tver viceroyalty - evidence of the formation of the Vyshnevolotsky district, the coat of arms of the Vyshny Volochok, approved in 1772, the layout of the "Catherine barge". Watercolors by the artist M.M. Ivanov with views of the Vyshnevolotsk water system, the interior of the office.

In the exhibition "Between two capitals" you can see: the layout of the barge, the documents of the pilot, views of the old city, as well as maps and diagrams.

The Department of Nature of the Vyshnevolotsky region tells about the history of the diversity of flora and fauna of the district. Here are: maps, fossils and rocks and a collection of minerals, as well as a large collection of stuffed representatives of flora and fauna.

A special place in the exposition is occupied by a set of materials dedicated to the famous geologist, paleontologist, Honorary Citizen of the Vyshnevolotsky district, our countryman B.S. Sokolov.

The archeology hall is represented by such excavation materials as: Fatyanovskaya, Volosovskaya, Ienevskaya, Butovskaya, Valdai, Lyalovskaya, Verkhnevolzhskaya cultures.

The museum's art collection includes more than 150 objects of painting, sculpture and graphics. Among them are works by such artists as: Yu.P. Kugach, A.P. and S.P. Tkachev, M.G. Abakumov, N.N. Solomin, V.G. Shumilov, A.L. Ananyev, S.N. Nikitin, N.I. Bryukhanov, A.V. Morozov, M.G. Bogatyrev, B.N. Kuznetsov, S.V. Grinev, I.V. Rybakova, S.G. Zolotareva, A.G. Podshivalova and many others.

The exposition of the Vyshnevolotsky Museum

Part of the exposition is periodically updated, and various exhibitions are held in the exhibition hall.

The museum houses the exhibition "Vyshnevolotsky region during the Great Patriotic War", opened in the museum in 2010 for the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, reflects the themes: "Rear to the front", "Our partisans", "Vyshnevolochans on the war fronts", "Vyshnevolochans on the Victory Parade".

The museum hosts scientific and practical conferences and local history readings, project defense and open lessons, thematic evenings and creative contests, presentations of books and films, meetings with writers and artists, poetry evenings, performances and concerts.


  1. Тверская область: путеводитель / сост. С.Б. Михня. — Тверь, 2005. — С.61-80.
  2. Лавренов В.И. Муниципальная символика города Вышний Волочек. — Тверь: Ушаков и К, 2001. — 32 с.: ил.
  3. Вышневолоцкий историко-краеведческий альманах (ВИКА).Вып. 1-8. — Вышний Волочек: Ирида-прос, 1997—2004.
  4. Городские акварели: сб. стихотворений о Вышнем Волочке. — Вышний Волочек: Ирида-прос, 2001. — 47 с.: ил.
  5. Горбунова А.В. Мемориальные сооружения в Тверском крае (XVIII — начала ХХ вв.) // Русская культура. Вып. 2. — Тверь, 2001. — С.60-66.
  6. Соловьева Ф.Б. По вышневолоцкой водной системе // http://www.veche.tver.ru/index.shtml?news=2786.
  7. Колыбель великих вод // http://www.vyshny-volochok.ru/history/warterSys.htm.
  8. Памятники архитектуры Тверской области. Каталог. Тверь, 2002. Кн. 2.
  9. Города и районы Калининской области. М., 1978.
  10. Балдина О.Д. От Валдая до Старицы. М.,1968.
  11. Город на древнем волоке. М., 1967.
Exhibit of the Vyshnevolotsk Museum of Local history


  1. The official page of the museum on the website of the Tver State United Museum
  2. The official page of the museum on the portal "PRO.Culture.RF"
  3. The official page on the website of the Tourist portal of the Tver region
  4. The museum's official page on the VKontakte social network
  5. The official page of the museum on the website "Museums of Russia"


[[Category:Museums in Tver Oblast]] [[Category:Local museums in Russia]] [[Category:Vyshnevolotsk Museum]] [[Category:Poetry evenings]] [[Category:Vyshnevolotsky region]] [[Category:Fatyanovskaya, Volosovskaya, Ienevskaya, Butovskaya, Valdai, Lyalovskaya, Verkhnevolzhskaya cultures.]] [[Category:Archeology]] [[Category:The museum's art collection]] [[Category:Tver State United Museum]] [[Category:Peter the Great]] [[Category:Great Patriotic War]] [[Category:Commemorative medals of the Northern War]] [[Category:Historian I.I. Golikov]]