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User:FFF35fff25/House-museum of S.D. Drozhzhin

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House-museum of S.D. Drozhzhin
Interior of the House-museum of S.D. Drozhzhin

The House Museum of S.D. Drozhzhin is a memorial museum dedicated to the peasant poet Spiridon Drozhzhin. The museum preserves the relics and creative heritage of the poet.

It is a branch office of the Tver State United Museum (TSUM).

History of creating museum[edit]

One of the attractions of the village of Novozavidovsky is a small log House-museum of the peasant poet Spiridon Dmitrievich Drozhzhin (1848-1930) S.D. Drozhzhin — a poet of the Nekrasov direction. The main themes of his poems are: the life of the russian village, pictures of peasant labor and everyday life, the beauty of his native Upper Volga region.


The museum has three halls: literary, memorial and exhibition.

The exposition of the literary department introduces the life and work of S.D. Drozhzhin. It is represented by numerous unique photographs, manuscripts of the poet, collections of his poems and other valuable materials. Among them are a graphic portrait of S.D. Drozhzhin made by the famous artist I.K. Parkhomenko, documents on the appointment of S.D. Drozhzhin by the Russian Academy of Sciences for a lifetime pension, a notice that he was elected an honorary member of the All — Russian Union of Poets, a greeting from the USSR Academy of Sciences, photographs of institutions named after S.D. Drozhzhin.

The exhibition shows sheet music and records with recordings of the voice of N.V. Plevitskaya, the main performer of songs and romances to the words of Drozhzhin.

Here you can see numerous gifts to the museum for the poet's anniversaries.

Hall of the house of S.D. Drozhzhina
The exposition of the House-museum of S.D. Drozhzhin

The interior is built as during the poet's lifetime: Russian and high Dutch ovens, a summer hut with a personal library, a dining room and a study office.


  • Ильин Л.А. Дом-музей С.Д. Дрожжина // Музеи Верхневолжья: путеводитель. — М., 1981. — С. 223—233.
  • Дом-музей Спиридон Дмитриевича Дрожжина: путеводитель. Калинин, 1988. — 16 с.
  • Кузнецов И. Музей поэта принял поздравления // Тверская жизнь. — 2003.
  • Ручников П. Моя муза родилась в крестьянской избе // Тверская жизнь. — 2008.



[[Category:Museums in Tver Oblast]] [[Category:Tver State United Museum]] [[Category:S.D. Drozhzhin]] [[Category:Drozhzhin]] [[Category:The House Museum of S.D. Drozhzhin]] [[Category:Russian Union of Poets]]