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User:Fan of talent/DR

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Currently serves as Founder & President or Rambo House Media www.rambohousemedia.com

  • 2008- Producer of Media:The Mabel Katz Show (Telemundo/NBC)[1]
  • 2008- Advertising Director of The Mabel Katz Show (Telemundo/NBC)
  • 2007- Vice President of Business Development/ Big Screen Preview Network
  • Platinum Music Producer; [Mandy Moore], [Tevin Campbell], Spice, [Billie Piper], [Brand New Heavies], [Orelia Has Orchestra], etc.

After serving as Vice President of Business Development of Big Screen Preview Network ([www.bspn.com]), Dion Rambo started his own media company called Rambo House Media([www.rambohousemedia.com]) with an Atlanta and Los Angeles office. Dion quoted to the Atlanta Journal “After we packaged and raised an amazing IPO for a past client, I decided to spread my wings and establish my own media establishment."

Past & Current Television Developments "Peachtree Road" (co-creator/Executive Producer) "Little Orelia" (developer)[2] "In Jack's Head" (co-creator) "Family Places USA" (Producer) "[Soul Train Weekly Series]" (Warner Brothers/Production Coordinator) "[Soul Train Awards]" (Warner Bros/Production Coordinator) "[The Magic Hour], starring Earvin 'Magic' Johnson" (FOX Network/Production Coordinator) "Life in the Trucking Lane" (co-creator)[3]

In the Music Industry Under the production company Homeless Youth with partner Jacques Richmond, Dion Rambo produced chart toppers such as Mandy Moore, Tevin Campbell, Spice, Billie Piper, Brand New Heavies, and Orelia Has Orchestra ([www.oreliahasorchestra.com]).

In the Children Industry/Television October 2008, Rambo House Media funded a new children television/audio book series called Little Orelia. Loosely based on the artist Orelia Has Orchestra and her hospital/social touring.

Little Orelia is currently a 9 book series, overshadowed with narration by the author and co-writer Orelia Has Orchestra.

In Book Publishing January 2008, Rambo House Media began working with author Robert Hunt on promoting and establishing marketing share with his book "The Art and The Way" ([www.theartandtheway.com]). Distributed by Xophix (www.xophix.com). Latest word was that Rambo House team were working on recording and audio book for the 316 pager including a musical composition composed by the renown young Japanese composer Anthony Chu.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/RH_group_photo.JPG Social/Networking Atlanta Georgia 2008, Rambo House Media established the Rambo House Media "Get Together" event which was noted as being held every two weeks at Atlanta's popular CrossOver Studios ([www.crossover-studio.com]) which houses great creators as Tyler Perry, Outkast, R.E.M., and others.

Los Angeles and Atlanta, the company has created and oversees a community tour for under privilaged and homeless children. They have visited shelters and hospitals such as Shriners Hospital and Atlanta Union Mission. Orelia Has Orchestra's song Media:"Life" was donated to the touring project.