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Hi there Folks, this is the page about a user called fastracer4, who can and has raced the internet since 1984, with one of the first Apple Macintoshs which was bought at the University of Austin Texas. Since then I have been up and about wioth a wathfull eye and many projects from MYsql, Php up to php5 and so on. Continental and Africain Websites and Mailing solutions, Webshops, design and de Development. MY hero is Knuth and his decendents as seen here:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/ioerror/3014911710/ http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3168/3014911710_e31650fd3d.jpg

Copyleft: [ioerror |http://www.flickr.com/photos/ioerror/]