Hello there, fellow Wikipedians. :)
My name is Ferretsrock, aka Caroline. :)
I know it's probably not the place, but I tried to put a little life-story as briefly as possible. :) Here it is....-->
As you can see with my uniquely chosen Wikipedia username, I am a lover of ferrets and am a mommy to two beautiful, gorgeous, super-cute, super-fun ferrets named Sonny and Izzy. In the photo on my page, that is a photo I took of my ferrets babies; Sonny's head is on the left, with my little Izzy on the right. :)
I am 20 ½ years old, graduated high school in 2012, only completed part of two college classes (chemistry and math) until I had to drop out due to serious medical issues.
I'm living with a rare condition called Mitochondrial disease, which is a life threatening progressive genetic disease that, long story short, attacks the batteries of the cell, which is the mitochondria; the mitochondria in turn, if they do not work, is like trying to make any battery-operated object work without the batteries; which is impossible. Without sufficient energy in their batteries, the cells get weaker and die and when enough cells get weak and die, organs start to progressively get worse. This condition has ripped my life out from under me.
This disease has caused me to become instead of the smart, fun-loving honors student in high school with lots of friends, a love for sports including track & field, soccer, and volleyball and musical arts (singing, instruments and theater) with lots of hopes and dreams, to the sitting human vegetable who relies on a permanent IV in my chest and a tube in my stomach to feed me and give me important medicine to keep me alive. I rely on a wheelchair for long distance and oxygen to help me breathe as much as it can. I'm too sick to work now or go to school, therefore I now pretty much just lie in bed all day not ever feeling well enough to do anything, not even go to the grocery store or the movies with anyone. I love computers and just recently discovered the fun I have when editing Wikipedia articles to sound better, contain factual information, or fix typos and grammatical errors.
I'm not a debbie downer, honestly, I just don't like sugar coating anything; this is my life and the reality of my existence...but I still find the beauty in life with the little things that keep me happy and keep me going; after becoming sick I found the love of my life who also has a couple similar medical issues as mine, and we decided to get married in October 2013 so that I could in all honesty experience getting married before I die (true story). After getting married instead of kids since I cannot carry children or have enough energy or $$$ to take care of children, we got the 2 ferrets I've been wanting since I was young, but was never allowed to have (cause they smell!)
I still enjoy music and playing instruments as much as I can (I can play MANY instruments including the guitar, harp, piano, ukulele, drums, and flute!) and singing even though I cannot sing like I used to. I love theater, as well as drawing and writing! Other little things I enjoy include cross-stitching (so awesome!) and making fake flowers into flower pens!
So many things could get me down, and trust me, they do. But at least I have a reason to live with my husband and my ferrets and my wonderful family and all the wonderful people I've met on support groups for my illness and such. I always say to people that you don't know how easy you have it and how so many people take things like eating for granted, and don't take the time to be with their loved ones and enjoy your good health. Cause all of that can change in just a minute, as it did for me.
I love Wikipedia and will continue editing it when I can. :) Thanks for coming to my little user page and I hope you have a beeeeautiful day! Thanks!!
With love, Caroline aka Ferretsrock