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digital savings unit

Owndated Webquantum is a digital asset created and personalized by the personal economic action of an app user (Personal Saving Helper) allowing the money datevaluation by shifting 1 asset of US$10,- /on 1 OW registered property asset , on 1 personalized web space working by internet with intention to share an organized production of interest-as-a-good, in order to get the right to share the cash results of the production each 24 hours term the all on basis of a smart contract proposed by the organization "WUW The Webcash Universocial Web" and whose smart contract is triggered by the registered inscription of the user identity (personal quality to act) on a general ledger with an indissociable registration and time date activities register (Typ UnixTimeStamping).

Owndated Webquantum is a digital asset property designed to work as a medium to share, on an organized and centralized cash production with the intention to share the cash results applied every 24 hours at an organized market exchange of the seniority of time contained and running into the digital object OW from it creation date, until the date of exchange with another app user and to take advantage of the rights enshrined in the smart contract to deal capital gains at the predictible time market for digital objects with equals financial burdens but having ancienity at production, unique OW properties or personalized personal savings, the owner may endorse exchange for a gain.

ÇThe Owndated Webquantum creation offered to folks as a free opportunity for economic benefits generate the money datevaluation activity and is an upgrade for the Classic Economy where an investment substitute was lacking.

The upgraded web economy provided with 4 economic practices

The Classic Economy provided with the add of the money datevaluation practice is called [1] because of the enlargement with the fourth economic gesture (4G) and in reason of it dependance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web_Consortium space to unlimited grow.