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Katie walters is a wanna be actress. Her role model is Jennifer Lawrence!Her best friend Films all the movies they make even if they are a joke!The first film they are filming is called the devils necklace she plays Jessica who gets taken over by the devil and Erin Yorke who is also a best friend plays kim in the devils necklace. The devils necklace IS NOT on DVD it will be uploaded to youtube. Katie does not want a full time acting job at her age she just wants to make mini movies with her friends. she mainly works with Erin Yorke and Halle pullen (the camera lady)

[[Category:Filmographie She has only done film witch is still filming! It's called the devils necklace, were she plays Jessica. A project the girls want to do is called Crippled creature, were Tia and molly are best friends but her powers are too strong this is a fantasy. Any how no other projects just yet!