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Charles Forson

  Charles Jeffery Forson was born in 1996 september 25th at Hong Kong hospital Hong Kong. H espent the two first years of his life there. From there he went to england ( whilst his nother was pregnant). He stayed in a caravan for a year and traveld around Brtain with his baby sister. From there he spent a few months in stroud glostershire renting a property from his mothers freinds. he moved to southamton at 3 1/2 and lived in a flat near a highstreet. later he moved towards the M3 in southamton in bassett. after moving there he was enrolled into a monterstory and his mother rode 10 miles from southamton to lyndherst to get him there. he enjoyed montstory and he belivs it made him a better person and highly recomends it. after that he went to st dannys primary school whitch had had the year before a new head teacher who went on to do very well for the school Caroline Fayle. 
 He attended that school for 5 years.
 In that time his mother was found to have a brain problem and went into hospital, twice, his father then divored his mother as after her firts illness they wernt getting on. Then charles had muliple Opears that gave him confidence. though that time his dad worked very hard to become a fartherly and motherly figure and  also have a full time job. towards the end of Charles' third year at school his father met a woman who went on to be his wife. she made a big differance to the family. At the end of his third year of school Charles' father decided to move house so charles and his sister could get a better secondery school. 
  After much debate Charles and his family moved to Highclere North Hampshire and attended burgclere primary school. In his first year he did not fit into his new school very well and was bulied. But he made some exelant freinds in year 5 as well. In year 6 he went on to make more freinds and also do well in his end of primary school exams (SATs). His forst choice school he wasnt exepted into and his father worked very hard to get him into that school. In the end Charles did get in and is now doing well in his third term in year seven. 
 Charles playes rugby for his school and his town and enjoys maths. He is noying yr seven at the moment and looks forward to year eight. He is trying out for berkshire rugby team and hopes to do well.