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Gaius Salvius Liberalis was born in central Italy. Salvius is a Roman aristocrat who is a successful, wealthy and devious lawyer and senator in Rome. He has a wife named Rufilla and may slaves, some of whom are Britons, others foreign. He currently lives in an impressive villa, not far from Noviomagnus (Chichester), near the Sussex coast.


  • Salvius' early life
  • household and family
  • Scandals
  • roles and responsibilties

Salvius Early life:

Salvius Liberalis was born in central Italy. At a very young age, in AD 78, Salvius was chosen as one of the Arval Brotherhood. The Arval Brotherhood, was a group of twelve distinguished men who met to perform religious ceremonies. In particular, to pray for the emperor and his family. Salvius was also put in command of a legion; this was a great honour to have at such a young age. It also shows the trust Vespasian had for Salvius.

House Hold and Family:

Salvius has a very busy household, not filled with children but filled with Slaves. He also has a wife called Rufilla, who is a distant relative to Quintus Caecilius Lucundus.

His many slaves include : Volubilis -Egyptain Cook Varica- Salvius’s slave manager Philus- Learned slave of Salvius Domitilla -Deceptive slave girl of Rufilla


Argument with Rufilla

 In AD 93 Salvius and his wife Rufilla had an enormous scandal. Rufilla seemed to be frustrated about moving from London; she claimed for it to be very beautiful and marvelous,she also had many friends there. She was very mad about the moving. As for Salvius, he remembered Rufilla saying that she was unsatisfied with the house she lived in – she wanted a house in the country, which he then gave her. He reminded
her of all the luxury she was experiencing, but she did not care about the luxury. She distinctly mentioned that he was a
cruel husband and that he cared nothing. Fortunately, they did not divorce and carried on living their lives.

Britons Blocking The Way:

In AD 97, Salvius was invited to the King’s Palace, but on his journey there he faced a problem – he was sitting on his horse, when suddenly he rode into some Britons, who were blocking his way. Unfortunately, the road they were travelling on had ditched adjacent to it, on either side,so they could not have gone around it. Salvius called for his main slave, Varica.

He told him that it was necessary for the forerunners to clear the Britons, so he could carry on with his journey, as the king
was waiting for him. Varica had passed this on to the forerunners. After, the forerunners had taken their rods and started clearing out
the Britons, some of whom were forced to jump into the ditches. They did this success fully; just before they decided to travel onwards,
2 brave young men, who had a
wagon standing next to them which was blocking the road, started protecting the wagon. Then Salvius commanded for the forerunners 

to move the wagon and the 2 fearless young men. The forerunners launched forward to clear the way as it was inconvenient for Salvius

to remain at this place. The astonished young men started fighting with the forerunners, but then the young men and the wagon were
thrown into the ditches. Salvius calmly carried on with his journey to the palace.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Salvius’ Roles and Responsibilities:

Salvius has many roles and responsibilities. One of Salvius’ first responsibilities was to command a legion, this is a great honour for Salvius as he was picked at such a young age for such an important role. Salvius’ main task is to supervise the law courts and look after the southern part of the province while Agricola, the Roman Emperor of the province of Britian, is away fighting in the North. Another of Salvius’ roles is to travel around the country acting as a judge; Salvius also arranges the money raised by farming and mining in Britain to be sent regularly to the emperor in Rome. In having all these roles and responsibilities Salvius has a lot of pressure on him, however he has hardly ever put a step wrong and by doing this he has gained lots of trust from Emperor's like Vespasian and many more.