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The mysterious white figure has been seen by many people. It is typically located in desolate wooded areas. I myself have seen this white figure. Me and my friends were walking along a a road at night, and we had parked the car at the top of the hill. We had came to this path in the woods where we cut off to try an scare some friends behind us a ways. We had reached a bank where we were going to lye down. It was just a quick glimpse but I saw this white figure pop in and out of from behind a nearby tree. The only description I can give is that the figure was quick and had a scary white color to it; and the top was in the shape of a point. I yelped a bit and told my freind. He hadnt seen it. I saw it once more this time, my freind had seen it. We quickly got up and ran to the road and our freinds seeing us in panic mode quickly followed. When we got in our car we of course thought we were safe, this wasnt the case as we got going. The white figure was now hopping, yes hopping not walking, and not running. It was now hopping at 55 mph. We eventually cut off down another road and hadnt seen it since. Others have said they have seen the same thing, others say they saw nothing down that dirt road. Whatever it was it was scary as hell.