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Crossformation The word Crossformation is a blended word of Cross and Transformation. According to John Stott, the cross is the epicenter of the Gospel. The crucifixion was not considered the good news of the disciples two thousand years ago. It was the resurrection. Crossformation is the study of the meaning and impact of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ over the past two thousand years. The Cross of Jesus Christ is God's solution to the sin problem. The Death of Jesus Christ provided the blood that was needed inorder to allow the Father to forgive human beings. Dr. Desmond Tutu's book "No Future, Without Forgiveness" captures one of the main reasons Jesus Christ took on human nature and died on the Cross of Calvary. God created a way whereby He could forgive human beings and move forward in His work of Creation in the Multiverses. Crossformation takes the time to focus the major provision the death and blood of Jesus Christ made possible for human beings. There are 102 sermons on the Cross of Jesus Christ and each one opens up a clear concept of the meaning and purpose of the salvation obtained by Yeshua on Calvary's Hill. Crossformation is a new and fresh approach in the on going discussion of Grace, Mercy, Love, Hope, Salvation,Jesus Christ and the plan of Redeemption. The Cross of Jesus Christ will be studied throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.Christ came to reveal God to the world as a God of love, full of mercy, tenderness, and compassion.

    It would be well to spend a thoughtful hour each day reviewing the life of Christ from the manger to Calvary. We should take it point by point and let the imagination vividly grasp each scene, especially the closing ones of His earthly life. By thus contemplating His teachings and sufferings, and the infinite sacrifice made by Him for the redemption of the race, we may strengthen our faith, quicken our love, and become more deeply imbued with the spirit which sustained our Saviour. If we would be saved at last we must all learn the lesson of penitence and faith at the foot of the cross. . . . Everything noble and generous in man will respond to the contemplation of Christ upon the cross.