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Glorious is a 70-member gospel youth group, which has presented over 1000 concerts in the last 24 years. Over the years, Glorious has always carried the message of love, hope and unity, touching the hearts of thousands, regardless of age, creed or religion. More than 1500 members who are now scattered across the globe have passed through the doors of Glorious.

Every year the choir hosts specific major events:

• A FESTIVAL OF SONGS AND SOLOS A five-hour program, showcasing Bangalore’s most popular soloists, normally in February.

• AN EASTER MUSICAL This 2-day event varies from indoor cantatas to light and sound productions with scenic out-of-doors settings.

• A MUSIC CAMP A 4-day music workshop for all age groups. At the last Music Camp, we had almost 200 delegates going through the training program in vocals, theory of music and courses in six instruments.

• THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL MUSIC AWARDS An inter school Gospel Music competition to promote talent and a better focus towards excellence in Christian Music

• THE GLORIOUS FESTIVAL OF HARMONY A 3-day festival featuring 30 of the best choral groups from all over India, participating from schools, colleges, youth bands, independent groups and choirs, and presenting various styles of music, bringing together on the same stage a symphony of excellence.

• A WINTER CHRISTMAS CONCERT Held for a minimum of two days in November / December, this concert is very well accepted by the city’s music lovers, presenting heart issues as the year turns around.

Surrendering to a song must surely be the most edifying of earth’s few exalted moments. It elevates both the singer and the listener to spheres shared by angels, and leaves both with an exhilarating foretaste of what lies beyond. Glorious is dedicated to capturing this anticipatory glimpse of heaven and making it available on stage.

Founded by Esther and Reji Chandy in 1989, when choral music was half-heartedly rehearsing its swansong, Glorious embarked on a mission to resurrect harmony from the embers of indifference. “Why?” they questioned, the diffident Generation Y, which would rather shake a leg to MTV’s brand of popular music than pledge commitment to a structured choir system with its accompanying practices and performances.

Today Glorious has been able to prove that harmony runs in our very souls. Harmony is timeless and without genre, weaving its subtle spirit through the ages, moulding itself to the music of the day, to live on endlessly in our hearts.

“Cool……“Awesome………“Can’t you do this every week?…Pleeease??” were some of the younger outbursts of response to Glorious concerts. “Felt Blessed…..“Sensed angels in the hall…..“Life changing experience……”, the older ones wrote.

Glorious’ music runs the range from rock and roll to reggae, rap to raga, country gospel to contemporary and semi – classical, soft rock to black gospel, Negro–spirituals to praise and worship – all knit together to acknowledge a forgiven past, a peaceful present and a promise of hope for tomorrow. The Tabernacles, the popular offshoot of Glorious performs Gospel music in specialized arrangements.

At Glorious, the belief has always been that harmony of voices can only be achieved through the unity of minds. The Glorious prayer has been to spread the message of harmony, so that we can gift it back to a disillusioned world crying out in discord.

Lives have been changed, marriages have been restored, and families have been reunited by the moving hand of harmony as endorsed by Glorious. Hope to the hopeless, unconditional Love to the hurting, renewed Faith to the lost: this has been our story through the years.

GLORIOUS, S-2, Abide With Me, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore 560084 Phone: 25484004, 25493989, 9243109701 Email: gloriousmusic@gmail.com www.glorious.org.in You tube: glorious bangalore