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This is my page. Two of my favorite quotes:

    "All human understanding is based on an awareness of the
relations of the individual person to what lies beyond him...
Rightly understood... humanism is scientific self-knowledge,
arising from the complexity of the relations between the individual
thinking human being and the ever-changing external world...
Its basis is natural science and its true expression is anthropology...
[Humanism] understands that the complexity of individual
existence, according to its inborn laws, is a necessity of nature."

- From On Man by Dr. Rudolf Virchow, 1849 "Let us recall the words of Descartes, who said that if it
were at all possible to ennoble the human race, the means for this
could be found only in medicine.
In reality, if medicine is the science of the healthy as well as of the ill human being
(which is what it ought to be), what other science is better suited to propose laws
as the basis of the social structure, in order to make effective those which are inherent
in man himself? Once medicine is established as anthropology,
and once the interests of the privileged no longer determine
the course of public events, the physiologist and the practitioner
will be counted among the elder statesmen who support the social structure.
Medicine is a social science in its very bone and marrow,
as Herr Neumann, with the steely weapon of his sharp logic, points out
in an essay on the relationship between public health and property
-- a work small in scope, but far richer in content than anything
written in this field before his time.
No physiologist or practitioner ought ever to forget that medicine unites in itself
all knowledge of the laws which apply to the body and the mind.
Schlosser is wrong when he attempts to show, in his history of the
eighteenth century, that only belles-lettres and historical literature
alter their physiognomy with political change; it is also wrong to believe that,
in contrast to the political and religious sciences, the natural
sciences can gaze into the deepest wellsprings of knowledge
without feeling the desire to apply what they know.
Let us recall the saying of Lord Bacon that knowledge is power,
and be satisfied with nothing less from our great and promising science,
of which Hippocrates once said:
'Quae ad sapientiam requiruntur, in medicina insunt omnia.'"

- From On Man by Dr. Rudolf Virchow, 1849 (To the graduating class of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)

My Website: http://drgnu.org [1]
DrGNU (a.k.a. GNUMD)
GNUPG Public Key (with photo): available at Biglumber [2]

I have been inspired by the work of Fravia+ (R.I.P.) [3] and Richard M. Stallman (RMS) [4]. I am an active supporting contributor of the Free Software Foundation [5] Member #:6887 [6]
Steven C. Morreale, M.D./M.P.H.
Emory University School of Medicine
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
Master of Public Health - Epidemiology

Residency training:

  • Family Medicine
    University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
    Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Fellowship training:

  • Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
    Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
    • Wesley Woods Health Center
    • Atlanta VA Medical Center and Nursing Home
    • A.G. Rhodes Sub-Acute Rehab and Nursing Home
    • Budd Terrace Sub-Acute Rehab and Nursing Home
    • Vistacare Hospice at Budd Terrace
    • Emory University Wesley Woods Hospital