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Gbruit, (Utrecht, 1971)

During his study Biology and Chemistry he worked as a part-time laboratory technician at the Rijks Instituut voor de Volksgezondheid, RIVM in Bilthoven, the Netherlands. At that time he had his first encounter with the virus that causes AIDS, HIV.
In 1985 he started his career as a highschool chemistry teacher. With the introduction of computers in the Dutch schools, he became the major player as a system administrator and information technology educator. In 1987 he implemented the first Novell network for his school.
But in his opinion, the Personal computer (PC) with his command line interpreter was -compared with the Atari ST and the Apple Macintosh- not suitable for highschool education. So at that time, his interest for Apple was founded. In 2002 he moved with his wife to Bangkok, Thailand. He worked there as a volunteer for Siam-care. After moving back to the Netherlands he works part-time as IT consultant and as a chemistry teacher.