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Start like a Nintendo Fan, never considered like number one, but for everyone like all investigator. In the internet, Geo Cloaking is a Super Hero Character, that his powers of High Light Speed Moves are using for rescue the people for strange and incredible aspects where all, Magic and technology, somethings of anothers dimensions of out of imagination are considered.

In the Wikipedia in Spanish, appear making his semi completed description.

He make too many characters than one day he would want adding in his more likely emprese, where characters of all forms and aspects make a own story, the history of Cloaking Multiverse. Around of 30 characters with diferent caracteristics, not all remembered (laughts), but ever used by Geo Cloaking the author.

For more information, before in the English Wikipedia has maked many problems for understand the dificult system.

Geo Cloaking is anilistic and creative, Game Master (Amateur of games) semi noob, but never in comparation about of nice persons.

Finally, Mr. Geo Cloaking is the definition about of two identities to say that Geo is a Cloaking World. Geo is a Male Earth, and Cloaking is a invisible form, then Geo Cloaking is a Invisible World.

Who Nintendo Character is him?


Nothing in complete definition more than his own character Mr. Cloaking, but is seen like Lucas and Captain Falcon, with something of Captain N and a little of Mario and so much like 16-volt in his "arcademania" for his music and old games, all is like the affition Similarity of his personality and quality. Potentially thinked like a fiction Character for his form of be. Valiant for be quickly, exagerated and atletic acts like Captain Falcon and is animated happyless like Mario, so creative and mature only in mind, is more like a Child in clean interests and respectfull like a nice person, that get many interesting in the innovation and video games. Is not so likely in the past for be bad-understanded in original aspects that was never considered in the society science, but like hospitable person is likely. Ever most like a competitive gamer that considerer all characters of Nintendo in nice real aspects. Freak or fan, see all nintendo creation with something of value, yet been things about of Captain N (Nostalgic and horrible, ever improved by fans).