Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:GeorgeMoney/aDel. |
var pathu = "";
function intitle(string) {
if(string == "") { return "Missing parameter 'string'"; }
if(window.location.href.indexOf(string) != -1) { return true; }
else { return false; }
function dotab(jsaction, title) {
var tbs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
addlilink(tbs, 'javascript:'+jsaction, title);
'txt' is the text you want to put in the edit box;
'sum' is your summary;
example: autoedit('hello', 'saying hello to user');
_mode_: the mode to use. Modes are:
'r': replace all existing text (or create page if no text) with your text;
'a': append your text to bottom of original;
't': add your text to top of original text;
mode examples: autoedit('{{header}}', 'adding header to all pages', 't');
default mode: 'r';
_watch_: To click 'Watch this page'. Use either true or false;
watch examples: autoedit('hi', 'saying hi', '', true);
watch notes: because this parameter occurs after the mode parameter, if you dont want to include the mode parameter, leave it like ''. so autoedit('text','summary','',true) notice how the mode is '', but you can still use a mode like 'a';
watch default: false;
_minor_: like watch except to mark edit as minor;
minor default: false;
_autoclick_: What button to click for autoclick
autoclick options: 'wpSave', 'wpDiff', 'wpPreview';
to not use autoclick, value is 'none';
autoclick default: wpSave;
function autoedit(txt, sum, mode, watch, minor, autoclick) {
if(booluse) { var otherif = (intitle('action=submit')); }
else { var otherif = false; }
if(!txt||!sum) { return "Missing parameters"; }
if(!autoclick) { autoclick = 'wpSave'; }
if(!mode) { mode = 'r'; }
if(watch == "false") { watch = false; }
if(minor == "false") { minor = false; }
if(!watch) { document.getElementById('wpWatchthis').checked = ""; } else { document.getElementById('wpWatchthis').checked = "checked"; }
if(!minor) { document.getElementById('wpMinoredit').checked = ""; } else { document.getElementById('wpMinoredit').checked = "checked"; }
var txta = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
var sma = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
if(mode=='r') {
txta.value = txt;
} else if(mode=='a') {
txta.value += '\n'+txt;
} else if(mode=='t') {
txta.value = txt + '\n' + document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;
sma.value = sum;
if(autoclick!='none') {
//Originally from [[User:Lupin/autoedit.js]]
function gv(paramName) {
var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)');
var h=document.location;
var m;
if (m=cmdRe.exec(h)) {
try {
return unescape(decodeURI(m[1]));
} catch (someError) {}
return null;
Uses of parameters explained above, this comment is just a map to show what url params go to what autoedit params;
myedit = txt;
mysum = sum;
mymode = mode;
mywatch = watch;
myminor = minor;
myautoclick = autoclick;
+OPTIONALS: &mymode=t&mywatch=false&myminor=true&myautoclick=wpSave
if(intitle('myedit') && intitle('action=edit')) {
addOnloadHook(function() {
var txt = gv('myedit');
var sum = gv('mysum');
var mode = gv('mymode');
var watch = gv('mywatch');
var minor = gv('myminor');
var autoclick = gv('myautoclick');
function askwarn() {
var page = prompt('What did the person vandalize? \n If none given, then the page template is not used, \n the other one that does not need a page is used ');
if(page==null) { alert('Action canceled'); return; }
var num = prompt('What test- number? If none given, 1 is used.');
if(num==null) { alert('Action canceled'); return; }
if(confirm('Autosave? Or just insert text? \n press ok to auto-save, \n cancel to just insert text to editbox. ')) { var aut = 'wpSave'; } else { var aut = 'none'; }
if(page) { var usen = '-n|'+page; var extrasum = ' for vandalism to page: [['+page+']]'; } else { var usen = ''; extrasum = ''; }
if(!num) { var num = '1'; }
if(document.getElementById('ca-delete')) { var maxnum = 5; } else { var maxnum = 4; }
if(parseInt(num) > maxnum) { var num = maxnum; }
if(num == 5) {
if(confirm('You used the test-5 warning, admin. \n Would you like to autoblock? \nIf you press ok, a dialog box will come up asking \n for the block expiry and summary.')) {
var blreason = prompt('Block reason. If none provided, reason is \'vandalism\'');
if(blreason == null) { alert('Action Canceled'); } else {
if(blreason == "") { blreason = "Vandalism"; }
var bltime = prompt('Block expiry? If none provided, time is 24 hours');
if(bltime == null) { alert('Action Canceled'); } else {
if(bltime == "") { bltime = "24 hours"; }'http://'+pathu+'Special:Blockip/'+wgTitle.replace(' ','_').split('/')[0]+'?autoblock=true&blreason='+escape(blreason)+'&bltime='+escape(bltime), 'blockwindow', 'status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,directories=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,height=1,width=1');
var txt = '{{su'+'bst:test'+num+usen+'|}} ~~'+'~~';
autoedit(txt,'warning user with test-'+num+extrasum,'a',true,'',aut);
if(intitle('autoblock')) { addOnloadHook(function() {
for(var i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('input').length; i++) {
var k = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[i];
if( == "wpBlockOther") {
k.value = gv('bltime');
oktodo = true;
} else if('wpBlockReason') {
oktodo = true;
} else if( == 'wpBlock'&&oktodo) {;
}); }
if(intitle('dowarn')) { addOnloadHook(function() {
alert('Due to technical limitations, you must click the warn tab now.');
}); }
addOnloadHook(function() {
if(intitle('action=edit')||intitle('action=submit')) {
var taburl = "askwarn()";
} else {
if(document.getElementById('ca-edit')) {
if(document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href.indexOf('&') != -1) { var symbol = "&"; } else { var symbol = "?"; }
if(symbol=="&") { var fnd = /User_talk:(.*)\/.*&ac/; var rpl = 'User_talk:$1&ac'; } else { var fnd = /User_talk:(.*)\/.*\?ac/; var rpl = 'User_talk:$1?ac'; }
var taburl = "window.location.href = (\'"+(document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href.replace('User:','User_talk:')+symbol+"dowarn=true").replace(fnd,rpl)+"\')";
if(intitle('User')&&document.getElementById('ca-edit')) {