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A list of the articles or contributions held within a magazine or pamphlet, unless you're Craccum Magazine. In which case you attempt to do something abstract. This may involve creating boardgames, parodying other magazines, websites, or even AUT brochures, as a way of entertaining readers.

A subheading serving no purpose


Imagine if Wikipedia had a contents page. Wouldn't that be great? It would have millions of links, and would most likely crash your pimped-out Firefox (if not the entire Wiki server).

Well, you no longer have to imagine. This is the Wikipedia contents page, listing everything great you ever wanted to view online. Such as Craccum. In fact, why are you browsing Wikipedia when there's a new Craccum out? You should be writing letters to Emo Carl.

This isn't amusing


Sure it is. To prove it, here's a picture of John Banks with a cute monkey.

No, still not amusing


How about a picture of John Banks with Harold the giraffe? Or perhaps you're more inclined towards the subtle irony achieved by our removal of the automaticlly-produced table of contents from this page?

Give up, please


Screw you. Why don't you try to be consistently entertaining every week? It's not as easy as it looks. If you don't like this entry, just edit it.

Actually, don't edit this entry. We think it's cool.

Actual Contents of the Magazine, Issue 19, September 19, 2005-09-15

Cover of Craccum Issue 19

Contents: You are here, wherever here may be 5

Editorials: Justifications, excuses, apologies and grammatical errors 6

When God Comes to the Rescue: The dirty secrets behind 12 step addiction treatments 8

Letters: The ravings of a confused and disaffected student body 10

Latest ravings of emo Carl 11

F.A.R.C.landia, Cocaine and Corporations: The Columbian Civil War 12

NZ FurCon – Diary of a Furry: Auckland’s Weirdest Underbelly 14

Reality Killed the Porn Star: The slow decline of Western Civilization 15

Bukkake – When Did It get to This?: Sad men doing sadder things 16

Generic Acronym News: Your guide to Winged Monkeys 18

Alternative Edumacation: The strange world of Rudolph Steiner 23

Reflections on the Gaza Withdrawal: Etc 26

Homelessness: David Two Pens reports from the street 29

Geek Weekly: Pseudo tech stuff 30

Review Section: Music, Film, Books, Games, Theatre 32

What’s Your Excuse: Poor quality photos of your peers 38