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Giulio Toscani, Italian born in 1972, obtained a PhD from KTH Stockholm and teaches at ESADE in Barcelona, Spain. He specializes in instructing on topics related to Big Data and AI, drawing from his experience at Telefonica and his studies on AI for business at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Additionally, he holds a position on the board of Navozyme, a digital company headquartered in Singapore. His research focuses on subjects related to the digital realm, and he has published articles in reputable journals such as the Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Harvard Deusto, El Economista, Gentleman, and ESADE DoBetter.

With a background in chemical engineering, Giulio Toscani initiated his career as a patent attorney for chemical plants in Lugano, Switzerland. In addition to his professional pursuits, he engages in various personal interests. He plays the side flute, works as a yoga teacher, practices vipassana meditation, and participates in ultra-trail running, boasting a personal record of 120 km. Having explored 115 countries through work, visits, and living experiences, he recently embarked on a solo cycling journey across Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, the Black Sea, and Caucasus, which he documented on his YouTube channel.