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Giovanni Maruzzelli (OpenTelecom.IT) is heavily engaged with FreeSWITCH, of which he wrote the interface with Skype and with cellular phones. He's a consultant for the Telco sector, developing software and training courses for FreeSWITCH, SIP, WebRTC, Kamailio and OpenSIPS. An Internet tech pioneer, in 1996 Giovanni was cofounder of Italia Online, the most popular Italian portal and consumer ISP, and architect of its Internet technologies - www.italiaonline.it Then supervisor of Internet operations and architect of the first engine for paid access to www.ilsole24ore.com , the most read financial newspaper in Italy and to its databases (migrated from mainframe). After that, he was CEO of venture capital funded Matrice, developing Telemail unified messaging and multi language phone access to email (Text To Speech), and CTO of incubator funded Open4, an open source managed applications provider. Then he was for two years in Serbia as Internet and Telecommunication Investment Expert for World Bank - IFC. Since 2005 he's based in Italy, and serves ICT and Telco companies worldwide.