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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My reason for contributing to wikipedia?

My father worked for Encyclopaedia Britannica, so I feel like I’m keeping it in the family. Though my Article on Shaftism being originally deleted is not such a good start! Still I'll do a bit more research and have another go, I can understand why it was originally removed as I had put very little information. My fault. Though I still cannot understand why there is no article for this art form, when I have seen it and read about it? Well, Practise makes perfect.

Anyway, also, as I get older, it’s nice to contribute to things and have interests, especially as I look at the retirement date that looms.

Wikipedia is a marvelous project and I think it is wonderful to be part of it.

My chosen areas are Art, Artists, Actors. Though I might roam into anything else and contribute if I think it will help.

I'm not always clear how Wikipedia works, so any help regarding editing is much appreciated. By all means edit my work and add to it.

I've got into the cut and paste way of working and it saves loads of time. I started on the old style typewriters, so computers are new to me.

Much has been learnt since becoming an editor on the Wikipedia. Artists and writers that are genuine like Baron Barrymore Halpenny and Paul Shipton should be listed and written about, because they have not asked to be!

The wishes of the artist/subject don’t really count, so even if they are not that keen to be listed, like Halpenny was, though I do see his point, their achievements and what they have done means they are to be listed.

Notable to me is where the subject has published work and been independently acknowledged in the media with at least a full article written about them.

As Freshacconci has made me aware of, there are people on here that are using the Wikipedia for self promotion, vanity etc. This is an abuse of the Wikipedia and I shall from now on be taking a more active role in vetting entries.

My thanks to the administrator NawlinWiki for editing my articles and putting them in shape to be Wiki correct. I have learnt from this. And thanks to Freshacconci for making me aware of false entries. I was a little naïve as to the entries in the Wikipedia, but will now scrutinise them in detail, to look for self promoters.

After a few set backs I will focus for a time on just editing.

Well that's all there is to say. By all means drop me a line if you have any comments.