Death 9 to 5 is a manga series written and illustrated by E.G. Clark that has appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump. The series follows the life of Tim Grey, a counselor for troubled teenagers who harbors a secret double life. Though the series has much of a comedic feel, it also possesses many other themes as well.
Working in a home for trouble teens, Tim Grey is a counselor with many issues of his own. Looking back at many events in his life he has had his life stalled by many distractions. Not only does his job pay him unreasonably low, his romantic life does not exist, and he always seems to have some type of problem with his friends. But none of that even matters to him compared to his "part time job". After work and on his off days he is an "aron boy" for the Grim Reaper, whom has him collect souls for there appointments with judgement.