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User:Groggy Dice/Nicaragua Chronology

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Early Years

  • July 1961 - Founding of FSLN in Tegucigalpa announced
  • 1962 - Defeat of Rio Coco incursion
  • 1967 - Defeat at Pancasan
  • December 23, 1972 - Earthquake hits Managua
  • December 27, 1974 - Christmas raid
  • November 8, 1976 - Death of Carlos Fonseca at Zinica
  • July 25 - Somoza has heart attack
  • October - Sandinista offensive


  • January 10 - Death of Pedro Joaquin Chamorro
  • February 21 - Monimbó uprising
  • August 22 - Pastora seizes of the National Palace
  • September - Uprisings


  • July 17 - Somoza resigns and leaves
  • July 19 - Sandinistas enter Managua
  • September 21 to 23 - 72-Hour Document
  • October 10+ - Murder of Bravo


  • April 19 - Violeta Chamorro resigns
  • April 22 - Alfonso Robelo resigns
  • May - FAD takes San José de los Remates
  • June 5 - Arrest of FAD leaders
  • July 23 - "Chilotes" take Quilalí
  • September 9 - Larios arrested
  • September 13(?) - Death of Pedro Joaquín Gonzalez
  • September 17 - Assassination of Somoza
  • September 28 to October 1 - Bluefields riot
  • November 17 - Death of Jorge Salazar
  • December 13?14? - Costa Rican radio station fiasco


  • February 18 - Arrest of Steadman Fagoth, others
  • May 7 - Fagoth released
  • August 11 - Founding of the FDN
  • September 9 - Economic state of emergency declared
  • mid-November to mid-January - Red Christmas
  • November 17 - Reagan signs NSDD 17
  • December 1 - Reagan signs finding


  • January 2 - Capture of William Baltodano in Managua
  • March 10 - Washington Post story on CIA plan
  • March 14 - Blowing of the bridges
  • March 15 - 30-day State of Emergency declared
  • April - Outbreak of Falklands War
  • April 15 - Pastora's "watchful eye" speech
  • July - Growing strength of contras noted
  • July 24 - Contras storm San Francisco del Norte
  • late July - State of emergency renewed for 6 months
  • August 11 - Bismarck Carballo incident
  • September 23 - ARDE founded
  • November (8) - Newsweek cover story on "America's Secret War"
  • mid-November - Suicide launches offensive
  • December 8 - New FDN Directorate announced
  • December - Repulse at Jalapa


  • March 4 - Pope John Paul II visit
  • March 21 - Sandinistas announce rebel attacks
  • March 24 to 27 - Dickey-LeMoyne trip with Suicide and Krill
  • April 15 - Pastora begins fight
  • May 22 - New siege of Jalapa
  • June 21 - Dial Torgerson and Richard Cross killed
  • August - Sandinistas announce draft plans
  • September 8 - ARDE air raid on Managua
  • September 23 to 26 - Operation Marathon
  • October 10 - Raid on Corinto
  • October 18 - Assault on Pantasma
  • December - New fighting in Nueva Segovia


  • early - Contra offensive
  • April 14 - ARDE takes San Juan del Norte
  • April 17 - San Juan del Norte recaptured
  • April 22 - Bishops issue pastoral letter
  • May - Senate rejects contra aid
  • May 30 - La Penca bombing aimed at Pastora
  • June 1 - Capture of Ocotal
  • September 1 - CMA helicopter downed
  • October 10 - 1984 Boland Amendment cuts off aid
  • October 15 - Revelation of "murder manual"
  • November 4 - Ortega wins election
  • November 6 - MiG scare
  • November 20 - Edgar Chamorro informed of removal
  • November - Nagarote draft riot


  • March 1 - San José Declaration
  • April 23-24 - Congress votes down Reagan aid plan
  • May 1 - Reagan imposes trade embargo
  • May 5 - Sandinistas strike into Honduras
  • May - Ortega visits Moscow
  • June 12 - House approves $27 million in humanitarian aid
  • June 12 - UNO founded in San Salvador
  • July 28 - Ambush of truck
  • July 29 - El Tular and La Sirena bridges hit
  • July 31 - El Viejo bridge attacked
  • August 1 - Capture of La Trinidad
  • August 2 - Strike in Cuapa
  • September 3 - Founding of KISAN
  • October 15 - State of Emergency declared
  • November 10 - Presillitas strike
  • November 19 - Assault on Santo Domingo repulsed
  • December 2 - Cuban-piloted Mi-8 shot down


  • January 1 - Church radio shut down
  • January - $3 million for communications and intelligence
  • March - Yalaguina power station hit
  • March 20 - House votes down contra aid
  • March - Sandinista incursion into Honduras
  • May - Pastora quits fight
  • June 25 - House approves Contra aid
  • June 26 - La Prensa shut down
  • July 2 - Landmine destroys bus
  • July 4 - Bishop Vega expelled
  • October 5 - Eugene Hasenfus flight shot down
  • last week of October - Bloody battle on the border
  • November 25 - Meese exposes Iran-contra diversion


  • March 9 - Arturo Cruz resigns from UNO
  • April 28 - San Pedro del Norte attack
  • April 28 - Benjamin Linder killed
  • May - Sandinista Bocay offensive
  • May 8 - Nicaraguan Resistance established
  • June - Contra probe in León
  • June 14 - YATAMA meeting
  • July 6 - El Cuartelón retaken
  • July 16 - Toño attacks San José de Bocay
  • August 5 - Wright-Reagan plan unveiled
  • August 7 - Esquipulas accord
  • August 10 - Bocay area recaptured
  • October 13 - Arias awarded Nobel
  • October 15 - Operation David
  • October 17 - Truck ambushed
  • December - Miranda defects, reveals buildup plan
  • December 20 - Operation Olivero


  • February 3 - House turns down contra aid
  • February 4 - Quilalí landmine
  • February 8 - Masaya riot
  • March - Operation Danto against Bocay
  • March 23 - Sapoa Accord
  • April - Mutiny
  • July - Bermúdez elected to Directorate


  • October 28 - Ortega talks of suspending ceasefire
  • November 1 - Ortega suspends ceasefire


  • February 25 - Violeta Chamorro wins election
  • April 25 - Violeta inaugurated
  • June 20 - Rebel disarmament
  • July - Sandinista strike
  • October 18 - Bermúdez returns to Nicaragua


  • February 16 - Bermúdez murdered
  • April+ - Recontras in Jinotega
  • November 9 - Fonseca mausoleum bombed; Sandinistas riot