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User:Gstefani17/Freedom of speech

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In Saudi Arabia, Journalists are forbidden to write with disrespect or disapproval of the royal family, religion, or the government. Journalists are also not given any legal protection for their writing in Saudi Arabia. Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was a critic of the Saudi Arabian government. He was killed in 2018 by Saudi Arabian officials for his writing.

  1. Time, Place and Manner: Ask the question of when where this has happened

Discuss protesting at funerals.

Funeral Protests in the United States:

“An otherwise identical activity might be permitted if it happened at a different time (e.g., during the day), at a different place (e.g., at a government building or in another public forum), or in a different manner (e.g., a silent protest).... Funeral Protests are a complex issue in the United States. It is a right to Americans to be able to hold a peaceful protest against various policies they deem unreasonable. It is a question of whether or not it is appropriate through the time, place and manner outlook to protest funeral proceedings. Because of recent flare ups of this occurring, legislation has been put to action to limit this. Now, funeral protests are governed and prohibited by law on a state-to-state basis inside the United States.

  1. Freedom of information: Bring in the Communication science behind the medium
  1. Internet censorship: Are Algorithms that dictate content contradictory to the idea of freedom of information? Should pro-firearm accounts be banned from social media?

In a new paragraph: (Internet Censorship)

Elon Musk’s recent acquisition of Twitter was based on a claim made by Musk to "give true freedom to the right of speech within the bounds of the law." Since the acquisition, the civil unrest of Twitter has been expedited. Gone are algorithms that allow for users to see exclusively content from their side. The fear is that this unrest may lead to more extreme forms of discourse between opposing political parties. The idea of algorithms being used to filter content is also an indirect form of internet censorship. The mobile app, Tik Tok, has recently come into the light as a user and an example of these algorithms. If one is to interact with a video on Tik Tok that carries a politically charged message, the algorithm will assign videos for one to see that focus on that topic specifically. Some may argue that this is a good thing, as one can interact with people who share a similar mindset to the user. The question then becomes, is this truly free speech and free flow of information if a user is being limited in what they see? Tik Tok and Twitter represent polar opposites in the idea of internet censorship. With so many differing opinions on the topic, it is hard to say if one way is better than the other. Given the ever changing world of social media and its rapid rise in popularity, especially among younger generations, legislation in different governments around the world are bound to come across the table soon.

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