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Cis-sexual, a term re-coined in 2020 by a group of guitarists from the West Coast of the United States, is an optional, attachable moniker to all sexualities that is defined as an individual of any gender and/or sexuality who is only attracted to cis-gender people.



Before it's recoinage in 2020, cis-sexual was accepted as a synonym for cisgender. A group of bisexual guitarists, from the obscure rock band "Within the Uncanny Moon", found there, upon extensive research, to be no legitimate identity for those only attracted to cis-gender people. So, with a notary and each other as their witnesses, they declared the word cis-sexual reclaimed, redefining its meaning from a synonym to a sexual preference.



Cis-sexual has its origin in has its origin in the Latin-derived prefix cis-, meaning "on this side of".[1]

  1. ^ "cis- | Origin and meaning of prefix cis- by Online Etymology Dictionary". www.etymonline.com. Retrieved 2020-10-28.