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User:HRinfo/Raphael Eppler-Hattab

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Raphael Eppler-Hattab
BornJuly 7, 1959
Haifa, Israel
EducationUniversity of Haifa
Occupation(s)Gerontologist, Organizational consultant
Known forLGBT activism in Israel

Raphael Eppler-Hattab (born July 7, 1959), also known in the 1990s under the pen name Raphi Niv, is a longtime LGBT activist in Israel, a former Israeli journalist, and an organizational consultant and gerontologist. He is the first openly gay journalist in Israel who published the first gay column in the Israeli press in the 1990s.



Eppler-Hattab was born in Kiryat Motzkin, the son of Esther nee Hübner, a Holocaust survivor, and Ezra (Zoli) Eppler. He holds a BSc in economics and management from the Technion since 1985, an MSc in behavioral and management sciences from the Technion since 1990, and a doctoral degree from the University of Haifa since 2021. His areas of expertise focus on human resource and compensation and benefits systems, organizational culture, aging and work, and organizational practices for the aging workforce and older workers, as well as LGBT aging. His doctoral research developed the concept of workplace age-friendliness [2] and its cultural antecedents, under the supervision of Prof. Israel (Issi) Doron and Prof. Ilan Meshoulam. Since the 1980s, he has worked in various fields as a journalist, as a researcher at the Gauss Institute, and in human resource and remuneration management positions at Strauss Group and Pelephone. He has also taught at academic institutions in the fields of management and organizational behavior. Since 2013, he accompanies organizations in the business sector in Israel and provides consultancy services in human resource management. He is the author of scientific and commentary articles published in Israeli and international journals. [[Category:Technion – Israel Institute of Technology alumni]] [[Category:Israeli LGBT journalists]] [[Category:Israeli LGBT rights activists]] [[Category:Israeli management consultants]]