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 * 99% of this file is Hyphenator.js. 
 * I'll probably separate it later (Wikipedia only gives you one js file).
 * Skip all the way down for custom js.

/** @license Hyphenator 3.2.0 - client side hyphenation for webbrowsers
 *  Copyright (C) 2010  Mathias Nater, Zürich (mathias at mnn dot ch)
 *  Project and Source hosted on http://code.google.com/p/hyphenator/
 *  This JavaScript code is free software: you can redistribute
 *  it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 *  General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software
 *  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.  The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU GPL for more details.
 *  As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
 *  may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
 *  that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by
 *  section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
 *  through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
 *  Comments are jsdoctoolkit formatted. See http://code.google.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/
/* The following comment is for JSLint: */
/*global window, ActiveXObject, unescape */
/*jslint white: true, browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, regexp: true, sub: true, newcap: true, immed: true, evil: true, eqeqeq: false */

 * @constructor
 * @description Provides all functionality to do hyphenation, except the patterns that are loaded
 * externally.
 * @author Mathias Nater, <a href = "mailto:mathias@mnn.ch">mathias@mnn.ch</a>
 * @version 3.2.0
 * @namespace Holds all methods and properties
 * @example
 * &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
 * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt;
 *   Hyphenator.run();
 * &lt;/script&gt;
var Hyphenator = (function (window) {

	 * @name Hyphenator-supportedLang
	 * @description
	 * A key-value object that stores supported languages.
	 * The key is the bcp47 code of the language and the value
	 * is the (abbreviated) filename of the pattern file.
	 * @type {Object.<string, string>}
	 * @private
	 * @example
	 * Check if language lang is supported:
	 * if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(lang))
	supportedLang = {
		'be': 'be.js',
		'cs': 'cs.js',
		'da': 'da.js',
		'bn': 'bn.js',
		'de': 'de.js',
		'el': 'el-monoton.js',
		'el-monoton': 'el-monoton.js',
		'el-polyton': 'el-polyton.js',
		'en': 'en-us.js',
		'en-gb': 'en-gb.js',
		'en-us': 'en-us.js',
		'es': 'es.js',
		'fi': 'fi.js',
		'fr': 'fr.js',
		'grc': 'grc.js',
		'gu': 'gu.js',
		'hi': 'hi.js',
		'hu': 'hu.js',
		'hy': 'hy.js',
		'it': 'it.js',
		'kn': 'kn.js',
		'la': 'la.js',
		'lt': 'lt.js',
		'lv': 'lv.js',
		'ml': 'ml.js',
		'no': 'no-nb.js',
		'no-nb': 'no-nb.js',
		'nl': 'nl.js',
		'or': 'or.js',
		'pa': 'pa.js',
		'pl': 'pl.js',
		'pt': 'pt.js',
		'ru': 'ru.js',
		'sl': 'sl.js',
		'sv': 'sv.js',
		'ta': 'ta.js',
		'te': 'te.js',
		'tr': 'tr.js',
		'uk': 'uk.js'

	 * @name Hyphenator-languageHint
	 * @description
	 * An automatically generated string to be displayed in a prompt if the language can't be guessed.
	 * The string is generated using the supportedLang-object.
	 * @see Hyphenator-supportedLang
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage

	languageHint = (function () {
		var k, r = '';
		for (k in supportedLang) {
			if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
				r += k + ', ';
		r = r.substring(0, r.length - 2);
		return r;
	 * @name Hyphenator-prompterStrings
	 * @description
	 * A key-value object holding the strings to be displayed if the language can't be guessed
	 * If you add hyphenation patterns change this string.
	 * @type {Object.<string,string>}
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage
	prompterStrings = {
		'be': 'Мова гэтага сайта не можа быць вызначаны аўтаматычна. Калі ласка пакажыце мову:',
		'cs': 'Jazyk této internetové stránky nebyl automaticky rozpoznán. Určete prosím její jazyk:',
		'da': 'Denne websides sprog kunne ikke bestemmes. Angiv venligst sprog:',
		'de': 'Die Sprache dieser Webseite konnte nicht automatisch bestimmt werden. Bitte Sprache angeben:',
		'en': 'The language of this website could not be determined automatically. Please indicate the main language:',
		'es': 'El idioma del sitio no pudo determinarse autom%E1ticamente. Por favor, indique el idioma principal:',
		'fi': 'Sivun kielt%E4 ei tunnistettu automaattisesti. M%E4%E4rit%E4 sivun p%E4%E4kieli:',
		'fr': 'La langue de ce site n%u2019a pas pu %EAtre d%E9termin%E9e automatiquement. Veuillez indiquer une langue, s.v.p.%A0:',
		'hu': 'A weboldal nyelvét nem sikerült automatikusan megállapítani. Kérem adja meg a nyelvet:',
		'hy': 'Չհաջողվեց հայտնաբերել այս կայքի լեզուն։ Խնդրում ենք նշեք հիմնական լեզուն՝',
		'it': 'Lingua del sito sconosciuta. Indicare una lingua, per favore:',
		'kn': 'ಜಾಲ ತಾಣದ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮುಖ್ಯ ಭಾಷೆಯನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಿ:',
		'lt': 'Nepavyko automatiškai nustatyti šios svetainės kalbos. Prašome įvesti kalbą:',
		'lv': 'Šīs lapas valodu nevarēja noteikt automātiski. Lūdzu norādiet pamata valodu:',
		'ml': 'ഈ വെ%u0D2C%u0D4D%u200Cസൈറ്റിന്റെ ഭാഷ കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കാ%u0D28%u0D4D%u200D കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. ഭാഷ ഏതാണെന്നു തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:',
		'nl': 'De taal van deze website kan niet automatisch worden bepaald. Geef de hoofdtaal op:',
		'no': 'Nettstedets språk kunne ikke finnes automatisk. Vennligst oppgi språk:',
		'pt': 'A língua deste site não pôde ser determinada automaticamente. Por favor indique a língua principal:',
		'ru': 'Язык этого сайта не может быть определен автоматически. Пожалуйста укажите язык:',
		'sl': 'Jezika te spletne strani ni bilo mogoče samodejno določiti. Prosim navedite jezik:',
		'sv': 'Spr%E5ket p%E5 den h%E4r webbplatsen kunde inte avg%F6ras automatiskt. V%E4nligen ange:',
		'tr': 'Bu web sitesinin dili otomatik olarak tespit edilememiştir. Lütfen dökümanın dilini seçiniz%A0:',
		'uk': 'Мова цього веб-сайту не може бути визначена автоматично. Будь ласка, вкажіть головну мову:'
	 * @name Hyphenator-basePath
	 * @description
	 * A string storing the basepath from where Hyphenator.js was loaded.
	 * This is used to load the patternfiles.
	 * The basepath is determined dynamically by searching all script-tags for Hyphenator.js
	 * If the path cannot be determined http://hyphenator.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ is used as fallback.
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator-loadPatterns
	basePath = (function () {
		var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i = 0, p, src, t;
		while (!!(t = s[i++])) {
			if (!t.src) {
			src = t.src;
			p = src.indexOf('Hyphenator.js');
			if (p !== -1) {
				return src.substring(0, p);
		return 'http://hyphenator.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/';

	 * @name Hyphenator-isLocal
	 * @description
	 * isLocal is true, if Hyphenator is loaded from the same domain, as the webpage, but false, if
	 * it's loaded from an external source (i.e. directly from google.code)
	isLocal = (function () {
		var re = false;
		if (window.location.href.indexOf(basePath) !== -1) {
			re = true;
		return re;
	 * @name Hyphenator-documentLoaded
	 * @description
	 * documentLoaded is true, when the DOM has been loaded. This is set by runOnContentLoaded
	documentLoaded = false,
	documentCount = 0,
	 * @name Hyphenator-persistentConfig
	 * @description
	 * if persistentConfig is set to true (defaults to false), config options and the state of the 
	 * toggleBox are stored in DOM-storage (according to the storage-setting). So they haven't to be
	 * set for each page.
	persistentConfig = false,	

	 * @name Hyphenator-contextWindow
	 * @description
	 * contextWindow stores the window for the document to be hyphenated.
	 * If there are frames this will change.
	 * So use contextWindow instead of window!
	contextWindow = window,

	 * @name Hyphenator-doFrames
	 * @description
	 * switch to control if frames/iframes should be hyphenated, too
	 * defaults to false (frames are a bag of hurt!)
	doFrames = false,
	 * @name Hyphenator-dontHyphenate
	 * @description
	 * A key-value object containing all html-tags whose content should not be hyphenated
	 * @type {Object.<string,boolean>}
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator-hyphenateElement
	dontHyphenate = {'script': true, 'code': true, 'pre': true, 'img': true, 'br': true, 'samp': true, 'kbd': true, 'var': true, 'abbr': true, 'acronym': true, 'sub': true, 'sup': true, 'button': true, 'option': true, 'label': true, 'textarea': true, 'input': true},

	 * @name Hyphenator-enableCache
	 * @description
	 * A variable to set if caching is enabled or not
	 * @type boolean
	 * @default true
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @see hyphenateWord
	enableCache = true,

	 * @name Hyphenator-storageType
	 * @description
	 * A variable to define what html5-DOM-Storage-Method is used ('none', 'local' or 'session')
	 * @type {string}
	 * @default 'none'
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	storageType = 'local',

	 * @name Hyphenator-storage
	 * @description
	 * An alias to the storage-Method defined in storageType.
	 * Set by Hyphenator.run()
	 * @type {Object|undefined}
	 * @default null
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.run
	 * @name Hyphenator-enableReducedPatternSet
	 * @description
	 * A variable to set if storing the used patterns is set
	 * @type boolean
	 * @default false
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @see hyphenateWord
	 * @see Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet
	enableReducedPatternSet = false,
	 * @name Hyphenator-enableRemoteLoading
	 * @description
	 * A variable to set if pattern files should be loaded remotely or not
	 * @type boolean
	 * @default true
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @see Hyphenator-loadPatterns
	enableRemoteLoading = true,
	 * @name Hyphenator-displayToggleBox
	 * @description
	 * A variable to set if the togglebox should be displayed or not
	 * @type boolean
	 * @default false
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @see Hyphenator-toggleBox
	displayToggleBox = false,
	 * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateClass
	 * @description
	 * A string containing the css-class-name for the hyphenate class
	 * @type {string}
	 * @default 'hyphenate'
	 * @private
	 * @example
	 * &lt;p class = "hyphenate"&gt;Text&lt;/p&gt;
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	hyphenateClass = 'hyphenate',

	 * @name Hyphenator-dontHyphenateClass
	 * @description
	 * A string containing the css-class-name for elements that should not be hyphenated
	 * @type {string}
	 * @default 'donthyphenate'
	 * @private
	 * @example
	 * &lt;p class = "donthyphenate"&gt;Text&lt;/p&gt;
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	dontHyphenateClass = 'donthyphenate',
	 * @name Hyphenator-min
	 * @description
	 * A number wich indicates the minimal length of words to hyphenate.
	 * @type {number}
	 * @default 6
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	min = 6,
	 * @name Hyphenator-orphanControl
	 * @description
	 * Control how the last words of a line are handled:
	 * level 1 (default): last word is hyphenated
	 * level 2: last word is not hyphenated
	 * level 3: last word is not hyphenated and last space is non breaking
	 * @type {number}
	 * @default 1
	 * @private
	orphanControl = 1,
	 * @name Hyphenator-isBookmarklet
	 * @description
	 * Indicates if Hyphanetor runs as bookmarklet or not.
	 * @type boolean
	 * @default false
	 * @private
	isBookmarklet = (function () {
		var loc = null, re = false, jsArray = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i, l;
		for (i = 0, l = jsArray.length; i < l; i++) {
			if (!!jsArray[i].getAttribute('src')) {
				loc = jsArray[i].getAttribute('src');
			if (!loc) {
			} else if (loc.indexOf('Hyphenator.js?bm=true') !== -1) {
				re = true;
		return re;
	 * @name Hyphenator-mainLanguage
	 * @description
	 * The general language of the document. In contrast to {@link Hyphenator-defaultLanguage},
	 * mainLanguage is defined by the client (i.e. by the html or by a prompt).
	 * @type {string|null}
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage
	mainLanguage = null,

	 * @name Hyphenator-defaultLanguage
	 * @description
	 * The language defined by the developper. This language setting is defined by a config option.
	 * It is overwritten by any html-lang-attribute and only taken in count, when no such attribute can
	 * be found (i.e. just before the prompt).
	 * @type {string|null}
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage
	defaultLanguage = '',

	 * @name Hyphenator-elements
	 * @description
	 * An array holding all elements that have to be hyphenated. This var is filled by
	 * {@link Hyphenator-gatherDocumentInfos}
	 * @type {Array}
	 * @private
	elements = [],
	 * @name Hyphenator-exceptions
	 * @description
	 * An object containing exceptions as comma separated strings for each language.
	 * When the language-objects are loaded, their exceptions are processed, copied here and then deleted.
	 * @see Hyphenator-prepareLanguagesObj
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @private
	exceptions = {},
	countObjProps = function (obj) {
		var k, l = 0;
		for (k in obj) {
			if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
		return l;
	 * @name Hyphenator-docLanguages
	 * @description
	 * An object holding all languages used in the document. This is filled by
	 * {@link Hyphenator-gatherDocumentInfos}
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @private
	docLanguages = {},

	 * @name Hyphenator-state
	 * @description
	 * A number that inidcates the current state of the script
	 * 0: not initialized
	 * 1: loading patterns
	 * 2: ready
	 * 3: hyphenation done
	 * 4: hyphenation removed
	 * @type {number}
	 * @private
	state = 0,

	 * @name Hyphenator-url
	 * @description
	 * A string containing a RegularExpression to match URL's
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	url = '(\\w*:\/\/)?((\\w*:)?(\\w*)@)?((([\\d]{1,3}\\.){3}([\\d]{1,3}))|((www\\.|[a-zA-Z]\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.([a-z]{2,4})))(:\\d*)?(\/[\\w#!:\\.?\\+=&%@!\\-]*)*',
	//      protocoll     usr     pwd                    ip               or                          host                 tld        port               path
	 * @name Hyphenator-mail
	 * @description
	 * A string containing a RegularExpression to match mail-adresses
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	mail = '[\\w-\\.]+@[\\w\\.]+',

	 * @name Hyphenator-urlRE
	 * @description
	 * A RegularExpressions-Object for url- and mail adress matching
	 * @type {RegExp}
	 * @private
	urlOrMailRE = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')', 'i'),

	 * @name Hyphenator-zeroWidthSpace
	 * @description
	 * A string that holds a char.
	 * Depending on the browser, this is the zero with space or an empty string.
	 * zeroWidthSpace is used to break URLs
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	zeroWidthSpace = (function () {
		var zws, ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
		zws = String.fromCharCode(8203); //Unicode zero width space
		if (ua.indexOf('msie 6') !== -1) {
			zws = ''; //IE6 doesn't support zws
		if (ua.indexOf('opera') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('version/10.00') !== -1) {
			zws = ''; //opera 10 on XP doesn't support zws
		return zws;
	 * @name Hyphenator-createElem
	 * @description
	 * A function alias to document.createElementNS or document.createElement
	 * @type {function(string, Object)}
	 * @private
	createElem = function (tagname, context) {
		context = context || contextWindow;
		if (document.createElementNS) {
			return context.document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', tagname);
		} else if (document.createElement) {
			return context.document.createElement(tagname);
	 * @name Hyphenator-onHyphenationDone
	 * @description
	 * A method to be called, when the last element has been hyphenated or the hyphenation has been
	 * removed from the last element.
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @type {function()}
	 * @private
	onHyphenationDone = function () {},

	 * @name Hyphenator-onError
	 * @description
	 * A function that can be called upon an error.
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @type {function(Object)}
	 * @private
	onError = function (e) {
		//window.alert("Hyphenator.js says:\n\nAn Error ocurred:\n" + e.message);

	 * @name Hyphenator-selectorFunction
	 * @description
	 * A function that has to return a HTMLNodeList of Elements to be hyphenated.
	 * By default it uses the classname ('hyphenate') to select the elements.
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @type {function()}
	 * @private
	selectorFunction = function () {
		var tmp, el = [], i, l;
		if (document.getElementsByClassName) {
			el = contextWindow.document.getElementsByClassName(hyphenateClass);
		} else {
			tmp = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('*');
			l = tmp.length;
			for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
				if (tmp[i].className.indexOf(hyphenateClass) !== -1 && tmp[i].className.indexOf(dontHyphenateClass) === -1) {
		return el;

	 * @name Hyphenator-intermediateState
	 * @description
	 * The value of style.visibility of the text while it is hyphenated.
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @type {string}
	 * @private
	intermediateState = 'hidden',
	 * @name Hyphenator-hyphen
	 * @description
	 * A string containing the character for in-word-hyphenation
	 * @type {string}
	 * @default the soft hyphen
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	hyphen = String.fromCharCode(173),
	 * @name Hyphenator-urlhyphen
	 * @description
	 * A string containing the character for url/mail-hyphenation
	 * @type {string}
	 * @default the zero width space
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @see Hyphenator-zeroWidthSpace
	urlhyphen = zeroWidthSpace,

	 * @name Hyphenator-safeCopy
	 * @description
	 * Defines wether work-around for copy issues is active or not
	 * Not supported by Opera (no onCopy handler)
	 * @type boolean
	 * @default true
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @see Hyphenator-registerOnCopy
	safeCopy = true,
	 * @name Hyphenator-Expando
	 * @description
	 * This custom object stores data for elements: storing data directly in elements
	 * (DomElement.customData = foobar;) isn't a good idea. It would lead to conflicts
	 * in form elements, when the form has a child with name="foobar". Therefore, this
	 * solution follows the approach of jQuery: the data is stored in an object and
	 * referenced by a unique attribute of the element. The attribute has a name that 
	 * is built by the prefix "HyphenatorExpando_" and a random number, so if the very
	 * very rare case occurs, that there's already an attribute with the same name, a
	 * simple reload is enough to make it function.
	 * @private
	Expando = (function () {
		var container = {},
			name = "HyphenatorExpando_" + Math.random(),
			uuid = 0;
		return {
			getDataForElem : function (elem) {
				return container[elem[name].id];
			setDataForElem : function (elem, data) {
				var id;
				if (elem[name] && elem[name].id !== '') {
					id = elem[name].id;
				} else {
					id = uuid++;
					elem[name] = {'id': id}; //object needed, otherways it is reflected in HTML in IE
				container[id] = data;
			appendDataForElem : function (elem, data) {
				var k;
				for (k in data) {
					if (data.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
						container[elem[name].id][k] = data[k];
			delDataOfElem : function (elem) {
				delete container[elem[name]];
	 * runOnContentLoaded is based od jQuery.bindReady()
	 * see
	 * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2
	 * http://jquery.com/
	 * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig
	 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
	 * http://docs.jquery.com/License
	 * Date: 2009-02-19 17:34:21 -0500 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009)
	 * Revision: 6246
	 * @name Hyphenator-runOnContentLoaded
	 * @description
	 * A crossbrowser solution for the DOMContentLoaded-Event based on jQuery
	 * <a href = "http://jquery.com/</a>
	 * I added some functionality: e.g. support for frames and iframes…
	 * @param {Object} w the window-object
	 * @param {function()} f the function to call onDOMContentLoaded
	 * @private
	runOnContentLoaded = function (w, f) {
		var DOMContentLoaded = function () {}, toplevel, hyphRunForThis = {};
		if (documentLoaded && !hyphRunForThis[w.location.href]) {
			hyphRunForThis[w.location.href] = true;
		function init(context) {
			contextWindow = context || window;
			if (!hyphRunForThis[contextWindow.location.href] && (!documentLoaded || contextWindow != window.parent)) {
				documentLoaded = true;
				hyphRunForThis[contextWindow.location.href] = true;
		function doScrollCheck() {
			try {
				// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
				// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
			} catch (error) {
				setTimeout(doScrollCheck, 1);
			// and execute any waiting functions

		function doOnLoad() {
			var i, haveAccess, fl = window.frames.length;
			if (doFrames && fl > 0) {
				for (i = 0; i < fl; i++) {
					haveAccess = undefined;
					//try catch isn't enough for webkit
					try {
						//opera throws only on document.toString-access
						haveAccess = window.frames[i].document.toString();
					} catch (e) {
						haveAccess = undefined;
					if (!!haveAccess) {
				contextWindow = window;
				hyphRunForThis[window.location.href] = true;
			} else {
		// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
		if (document.addEventListener) {
			DOMContentLoaded = function () {
				document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false);
				if (doFrames && window.frames.length > 0) {
					//we are in a frameset, so do nothing but wait for onload to fire
				} else {
		} else if (document.attachEvent) {
			DOMContentLoaded = function () {
				// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
				if (document.readyState === "complete") {
					document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
					if (doFrames && window.frames.length > 0) {
						//we are in a frameset, so do nothing but wait for onload to fire
					} else {

		// Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
		if (document.addEventListener) {
			// Use the handy event callback
			document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false);
			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
			window.addEventListener("load", doOnLoad, false);

		// If IE event model is used
		} else if (document.attachEvent) {
			// ensure firing before onload,
			// maybe late but safe also for iframes
			document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
			window.attachEvent("onload", doOnLoad);

			// If IE and not a frame
			// continually check to see if the document is ready
			toplevel = false;
			try {
				toplevel = window.frameElement === null;
			} catch (e) {}

			if (document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel) {


	 * @name Hyphenator-getLang
	 * @description
	 * Gets the language of an element. If no language is set, it may use the {@link Hyphenator-mainLanguage}.
	 * @param {Object} el The first parameter is an DOM-Element-Object
	 * @param {boolean} fallback The second parameter is a boolean to tell if the function should return the {@link Hyphenator-mainLanguage}
	 * if there's no language found for the element.
	 * @private
	getLang = function (el, fallback) {
		if (!!el.getAttribute('lang')) {
			return el.getAttribute('lang').toLowerCase();
		// The following doesn't work in IE due to a bug when getAttribute('xml:lang') in a table
		/*if (!!el.getAttribute('xml:lang')) {
			return el.getAttribute('xml:lang').substring(0, 2);
		//instead, we have to do this (thanks to borgzor):
		try {
			if (!!el.getAttribute('xml:lang')) {
				return el.getAttribute('xml:lang').toLowerCase();
		} catch (ex) {}
		if (el.tagName !== 'HTML') {
			return getLang(el.parentNode, true);
		if (fallback) {
			return mainLanguage;
		return null;
	 * @name Hyphenator-autoSetMainLanguage
	 * @description
	 * Retrieves the language of the document from the DOM.
	 * The function looks in the following places:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>lang-attribute in the html-tag</li>
	 * <li>&lt;meta http-equiv = "content-language" content = "xy" /&gt;</li>
	 * <li>&lt;meta name = "DC.Language" content = "xy" /&gt;</li>
	 * <li>&lt;meta name = "language" content = "xy" /&gt;</li>
	 * </li>
	 * If nothing can be found a prompt using {@link Hyphenator-languageHint} and {@link Hyphenator-prompterStrings} is displayed.
	 * If the retrieved language is in the object {@link Hyphenator-supportedLang} it is copied to {@link Hyphenator-mainLanguage}
	 * @private
	autoSetMainLanguage = function (w) {
		w = w || contextWindow;
		var el = w.document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0],
			m = w.document.getElementsByTagName('meta'),
			i, text, e, ul;
		mainLanguage = getLang(el, false);
		if (!mainLanguage) {
			for (i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
				//<meta http-equiv = "content-language" content="xy">	
				if (!!m[i].getAttribute('http-equiv') && (m[i].getAttribute('http-equiv').toLowerCase() === 'content-language')) {
					mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase();
				//<meta name = "DC.Language" content="xy">
				if (!!m[i].getAttribute('name') && (m[i].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase() === 'dc.language')) {
					mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase();
				//<meta name = "language" content = "xy">
				if (!!m[i].getAttribute('name') && (m[i].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase() === 'language')) {
					mainLanguage = m[i].getAttribute('content').toLowerCase();
		//get lang for frame from enclosing document
		if (!mainLanguage && doFrames && contextWindow != window.parent) {
		//fallback to defaultLang if set
		if (!mainLanguage && defaultLanguage !== '') {
			mainLanguage = defaultLanguage;
		//ask user for lang
		if (!mainLanguage) {
			text = '';
			ul = navigator.language ? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage;
			ul = ul.substring(0, 2);
			if (prompterStrings.hasOwnProperty(ul)) {
				text = prompterStrings[ul];
			} else {
				text = prompterStrings.en;
			text += ' (ISO 639-1)\n\n' + languageHint;
			mainLanguage = window.prompt(unescape(text), ul).toLowerCase();
		if (!supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(mainLanguage)) {
			if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(mainLanguage.split('-')[0])) { //try subtag
				mainLanguage = mainLanguage.split('-')[0];
			} else {
				e = new Error('The language "' + mainLanguage + '" is not yet supported.');
				throw e;
	 * @name Hyphenator-gatherDocumentInfos
	 * @description
	 * This method runs through the DOM and executes the process()-function on:
	 * - every node returned by the {@link Hyphenator-selectorFunction}.
	 * The process()-function copies the element to the elements-variable, sets its visibility
	 * to intermediateState, retrieves its language and recursivly descends the DOM-tree until
	 * the child-Nodes aren't of type 1
	 * @private
	gatherDocumentInfos = function () {
		var elToProcess, tmp, i = 0,
		process = function (el, hide, lang) {
			var n, i = 0, hyphenatorSettings = {};
			if (hide && intermediateState === 'hidden') {
				if (!!el.getAttribute('style')) {
					hyphenatorSettings.hasOwnStyle = true;
				} else {
					hyphenatorSettings.hasOwnStyle = false;					
				hyphenatorSettings.isHidden = true;
				el.style.visibility = 'hidden';
			if (el.lang && typeof(el.lang) === 'string') {
				hyphenatorSettings.language = el.lang.toLowerCase(); //copy attribute-lang to internal lang
			} else if (lang) {
				hyphenatorSettings.language = lang.toLowerCase();
			} else {
				hyphenatorSettings.language = getLang(el, true);
			lang = hyphenatorSettings.language;
			if (supportedLang[lang]) {
				docLanguages[lang] = true;
			} else {
				if (supportedLang.hasOwnProperty(lang.split('-')[0])) { //try subtag
					lang = lang.split('-')[0];
					hyphenatorSettings.language = lang;
				} else if (!isBookmarklet) {
					onError(new Error('Language ' + lang + ' is not yet supported.'));
			Expando.setDataForElem(el, hyphenatorSettings);			
			while (!!(n = el.childNodes[i++])) {
				if (n.nodeType === 1 && !dontHyphenate[n.nodeName.toLowerCase()] &&
					n.className.indexOf(dontHyphenateClass) === -1 && !(n in elToProcess)) {
					process(n, false, lang);
		if (isBookmarklet) {
			elToProcess = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
			process(elToProcess, false, mainLanguage);
		} else {
			elToProcess = selectorFunction();
			while (!!(tmp = elToProcess[i++]))
				process(tmp, true, '');
		if (!Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(mainLanguage)) {
			docLanguages[mainLanguage] = true;
		} else if (!Hyphenator.languages[mainLanguage].prepared) {
			docLanguages[mainLanguage] = true;
		if (elements.length > 0) {
			Expando.appendDataForElem(elements[elements.length - 1], {isLast : true});
	 * @name Hyphenator-convertPatterns
	 * @description
	 * Converts the patterns from string '_a6' to object '_a':'_a6'.
	 * The result is stored in the {@link Hyphenator-patterns}-object.
	 * @private
	 * @param {string} lang the language whose patterns shall be converted
	convertPatterns = function (lang) {
		var plen, anfang, ende, pats, pat, key, tmp = {};
		pats = Hyphenator.languages[lang].patterns;
		for (plen in pats) {
			if (pats.hasOwnProperty(plen)) {
				plen = parseInt(plen, 10);
				anfang = 0;
				ende = plen;
				while (!!(pat = pats[plen].substring(anfang, ende))) {
					key = pat.replace(/\d/g, '');
					tmp[key] = pat;
					anfang = ende;
					ende += plen;
		Hyphenator.languages[lang].patterns = tmp;
		Hyphenator.languages[lang].patternsConverted = true;

	 * @name Hyphenator-convertExceptionsToObject
	 * @description
	 * Converts a list of comma seprated exceptions to an object:
	 * 'Fortran,Hy-phen-a-tion' -> {'Fortran':'Fortran','Hyphenation':'Hy-phen-a-tion'}
	 * @private
	 * @param {string} exc a comma separated string of exceptions (without spaces)
	convertExceptionsToObject = function (exc) {
		var w = exc.split(', '),
			r = {},
			i, l, key;
		for (i = 0, l = w.length; i < l; i++) {
			key = w[i].replace(/-/g, '');
			if (!r.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
				r[key] = w[i];
		return r;
	 * @name Hyphenator-loadPatterns
	 * @description
	 * Adds a &lt;script&gt;-Tag to the DOM to load an externeal .js-file containing patterns and settings for the given language.
	 * If the given language is not in the {@link Hyphenator-supportedLang}-Object it returns.
	 * One may ask why we are not using AJAX to load the patterns. The XMLHttpRequest-Object 
	 * has a same-origin-policy. This makes the isBookmarklet-functionality impossible.
	 * @param {string} lang The language to load the patterns for
	 * @private
	 * @see Hyphenator-basePath
	loadPatterns = function (lang) {
		var url, xhr, head, script;
		if (supportedLang[lang] && !Hyphenator.languages[lang]) {
	        url = basePath + 'patterns/' + supportedLang[lang];
		} else {
		if (isLocal && !isBookmarklet) {
			//check if 'url' is available:
			xhr = null;
			if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
				xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
			if (!xhr) {
				try {
					xhr  = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
				} catch (e) {
					xhr  = null;
			if (xhr) {
				xhr.open('HEAD', url, false);
				xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
				if (xhr.status === 404) {
					onError(new Error('Could not load\n' + url));
					delete docLanguages[lang];
		if (createElem) {
			head = window.document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0);
			script = createElem('script', window);
			script.src = url;
			script.type = 'text/javascript';
	 * @name Hyphenator-prepareLanguagesObj
	 * @description
	 * Adds a cache to each language and converts the exceptions-list to an object.
	 * If storage is active the object is stored there.
	 * @private
	 * @param {string} lang the language ob the lang-obj
	prepareLanguagesObj = function (lang) {
		var lo = Hyphenator.languages[lang], wrd;
		if (!lo.prepared) {	
			if (enableCache) {
				lo.cache = {};
				lo['cache'] = lo.cache;
			if (enableReducedPatternSet) {
				lo.redPatSet = {};
			//add exceptions from the pattern file to the local 'exceptions'-obj
			if (lo.hasOwnProperty('exceptions')) {
				Hyphenator.addExceptions(lang, lo.exceptions);
				delete lo.exceptions;
			//copy global exceptions to the language specific exceptions
			if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty('global')) {
				if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
					exceptions[lang] += ', ' + exceptions.global;
				} else {
					exceptions[lang] = exceptions.global;
			//move exceptions from the the local 'exceptions'-obj to the 'language'-object
			if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
				lo.exceptions = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions[lang]);
				delete exceptions[lang];
			} else {
				lo.exceptions = {};
			wrd = '[\\w' + lo.specialChars + '@' + String.fromCharCode(173) + '-]{' + min + ',}';
			lo.genRegExp = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')|(' + wrd + ')', 'gi');
			lo.prepared = true;
		if (!!storage) {
			try {
				storage.setItem('Hyphenator_' + lang, window.JSON.stringify(lo));
			} catch (e) {
	 * @name Hyphenator-prepare
	 * @description
	 * This funtion prepares the Hyphenator-Object: If RemoteLoading is turned off, it assumes
	 * that the patternfiles are loaded, all conversions are made and the callback is called.
	 * If storage is active the object is retrieved there.
	 * If RemoteLoading is on (default), it loads the pattern files and waits until they are loaded,
	 * by repeatedly checking Hyphenator.languages. If a patterfile is loaded the patterns are
	 * converted to their object style and the lang-object extended.
	 * Finally the callback is called.
	 * @param {function()} callback to call, when all patterns are loaded
	 * @private
	prepare = function (callback) {
		var lang, interval, tmp1, tmp2;
		if (!enableRemoteLoading) {
			for (lang in Hyphenator.languages) {
				if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
			state = 2;
		// get all languages that are used and preload the patterns
		state = 1;
		for (lang in docLanguages) {
			if (docLanguages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
				if (!!storage && storage.getItem('Hyphenator_' + lang)) {
					Hyphenator.languages[lang] = window.JSON.parse(storage.getItem('Hyphenator_' + lang));
					if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty('global')) {
						tmp1 = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions.global);
						for (tmp2 in tmp1) {
							if (tmp1.hasOwnProperty(tmp2)) {
								Hyphenator.languages[lang].exceptions[tmp2] = tmp1[tmp2];
					//Replace exceptions since they may have been changed:
					if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
						tmp1 = convertExceptionsToObject(exceptions[lang]);
						for (tmp2 in tmp1) {
							if (tmp1.hasOwnProperty(tmp2)) {
								Hyphenator.languages[lang].exceptions[tmp2] = tmp1[tmp2];
						delete exceptions[lang];
					//Replace genRegExp since it may have been changed:
					tmp1 = '[\\w' + Hyphenator.languages[lang].specialChars + '@' + String.fromCharCode(173) + '-]{' + min + ',}';
					Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp = new RegExp('(' + url + ')|(' + mail + ')|(' + tmp1 + ')', 'gi');
					delete docLanguages[lang];
				} else {
		// if all patterns are loaded from storage: callback
		if (countObjProps(docLanguages) === 0) {
			state = 2;
		// else async wait until patterns are loaded, then callback
		interval = window.setInterval(function () {
			var finishedLoading = true, lang;
			for (lang in docLanguages) {
				if (docLanguages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
					finishedLoading = false;
					if (!!Hyphenator.languages[lang]) {
						delete docLanguages[lang];
						//do conversion while other patterns are loading:
			if (finishedLoading) {
				//console.log('callig callback for ' + contextWindow.location.href);
				state = 2;
		}, 100);

	 * @name Hyphenator-switchToggleBox
	 * @description
	 * Creates or hides the toggleBox: a small button to turn off/on hyphenation on a page.
	 * @param {boolean} s true when hyphenation is on, false when it's off
	 * @see Hyphenator.config
	 * @private
	toggleBox = function () {
		var myBox, bdy, myIdAttribute, myTextNode, myClassAttribute,
		text = (Hyphenator.doHyphenation ? 'Hy-phen-a-tion' : 'Hyphenation');
		if (!!(myBox = contextWindow.document.getElementById('HyphenatorToggleBox'))) {
			myBox.firstChild.data = text;
		} else {
			bdy = contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
			myBox = createElem('div', contextWindow);
			myIdAttribute = contextWindow.document.createAttribute('id');
			myIdAttribute.nodeValue = 'HyphenatorToggleBox';
			myClassAttribute = contextWindow.document.createAttribute('class');
			myClassAttribute.nodeValue = dontHyphenateClass;
			myTextNode = contextWindow.document.createTextNode(text);
			myBox.onclick =  Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation;
			myBox.style.position = 'absolute';
			myBox.style.top = '0px';
			myBox.style.right = '0px';
			myBox.style.margin = '0';
			myBox.style.backgroundColor = '#AAAAAA';
			myBox.style.color = '#FFFFFF';
			myBox.style.font = '6pt Arial';
			myBox.style.letterSpacing = '0.2em';
			myBox.style.padding = '3px';
			myBox.style.cursor = 'pointer';
			myBox.style.WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius = '4px';
			myBox.style.MozBorderRadiusBottomleft = '4px';

	 * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateWord
	 * @description
	 * This function is the heart of Hyphenator.js. It returns a hyphenated word.
	 * If there's already a {@link Hyphenator-hypen} in the word, the word is returned as it is.
	 * If the word is in the exceptions list or in the cache, it is retrieved from it.
	 * If there's a '-' put a zeroWidthSpace after the '-' and hyphenate the parts.
	 * @param {string} lang The language of the word
	 * @param {string} word The word
	 * @returns string The hyphenated word
	 * @public
	hyphenateWord = function (lang, word) {
		var lo = Hyphenator.languages[lang],
			parts, i, l, w, wl, s, hypos, p, maxwins, win, pat = false, patk, c, t, n, numb3rs, inserted, hyphenatedword, val;
		if (word === '') {
			return '';
		if (word.indexOf(hyphen) !== -1) {
			//word already contains shy; -> leave at it is!
			return word;
		if (enableCache && lo.cache.hasOwnProperty(word)) { //the word is in the cache
			return lo.cache[word];
		if (lo.exceptions.hasOwnProperty(word)) { //the word is in the exceptions list
			return lo.exceptions[word].replace(/-/g, hyphen);
		if (word.indexOf('-') !== -1) {
			//word contains '-' -> hyphenate the parts separated with '-'
			parts = word.split('-');
			for (i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
				parts[i] = hyphenateWord(lang, parts[i]);
			return parts.join('-');
		//finally the core hyphenation algorithm
		w = '_' + word + '_';
		wl = w.length;
		s = w.split('');
		if (word.indexOf("'") !== -1) {
			w = w.toLowerCase().replace("'", "’"); //replace APOSTROPHE with RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (since the latter is used in the patterns)
		} else {
			w = w.toLowerCase();
		hypos = [];
		numb3rs = {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9}; //check for member is faster then isFinite()
		n = wl - lo.shortestPattern;
		for (p = 0; p <= n; p++) {
			maxwins = Math.min((wl - p), lo.longestPattern);
			for (win = lo.shortestPattern; win <= maxwins; win++) {
				if (lo.patterns.hasOwnProperty(patk = w.substring(p, p + win))) {
					pat = lo.patterns[patk];
					if (enableReducedPatternSet && (typeof pat === 'string')) {
						lo.redPatSet[patk] = pat;
					if (typeof pat === 'string') {
						//convert from string 'a5b' to array [1,5] (pos,value)
						t = 0;
						val = [];
						for (i = 0; i < pat.length; i++) {
							if (!!(c = numb3rs[pat.charAt(i)])) {
								val.push(i - t, c);
						pat = lo.patterns[patk] = val;
				} else {
				for (i = 0; i < pat.length; i++) {
					c = p - 1 + pat[i];
					if (!hypos[c] || hypos[c] < pat[i + 1]) {
						hypos[c] = pat[i + 1];
		inserted = 0;
		for (i = lo.leftmin; i <= (word.length - lo.rightmin); i++) {
			if (!!(hypos[i] & 1)) {
				s.splice(i + inserted + 1, 0, hyphen);
		hyphenatedword = s.slice(1, -1).join('');
		if (enableCache) {
			lo.cache[word] = hyphenatedword;
		return hyphenatedword;
	 * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateURL
	 * @description
	 * Puts {@link Hyphenator-urlhyphen} after each no-alphanumeric char that my be in a URL.
	 * @param {string} url to hyphenate
	 * @returns string the hyphenated URL
	 * @public
	hyphenateURL = function (url) {
		return url.replace(/([:\/\.\?#&_,;!@]+)/gi, '$&' + urlhyphen);

	 * @name Hyphenator-removeHyphenationFromElement
	 * @description
	 * Removes all hyphens from the element. If there are other elements, the function is
	 * called recursively.
	 * Removing hyphens is usefull if you like to copy text. Some browsers are buggy when the copy hyphenated texts.
	 * @param {Object} el The element where to remove hyphenation.
	 * @public
	removeHyphenationFromElement = function (el) {
		var h, i = 0, n;
		switch (hyphen) {
		case '|':
			h = '\\|';
		case '+':
			h = '\\+';
		case '*':
			h = '\\*';
			h = hyphen;
		while (!!(n = el.childNodes[i++])) {
			if (n.nodeType === 3) {
				n.data = n.data.replace(new RegExp(h, 'g'), '');
				n.data = n.data.replace(new RegExp(zeroWidthSpace, 'g'), '');
			} else if (n.nodeType === 1) {
	 * @name Hyphenator-registerOnCopy
	 * @description
	 * Huge work-around for browser-inconsistency when it comes to
	 * copying of hyphenated text.
	 * The idea behind this code has been provided by http://github.com/aristus/sweet-justice
	 * sweet-justice is under BSD-License
	 * @private
	registerOnCopy = function (el) {
		var body = el.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
		oncopyHandler = function (e) {
			e = e || window.event;
			var target = e.target || e.srcElement,
			currDoc = target.ownerDocument,
			body = currDoc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
			targetWindow = 'defaultView' in currDoc ? currDoc.defaultView : currDoc.parentWindow;
			if (target.tagName && dontHyphenate[target.tagName.toLowerCase()]) {
				//Safari needs this
			//create a hidden shadow element
			shadow = currDoc.createElement('div');
			shadow.style.overflow = 'hidden';
			shadow.style.position = 'absolute';
			shadow.style.top = '-5000px';
			shadow.style.height = '1px';
			if (!!window.getSelection) {
				//FF3, Webkit
				selection = targetWindow.getSelection();
				range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
				restore = function () {
			} else {
				// IE
				selection = targetWindow.document.selection;
				range = selection.createRange();
				shadow.innerHTML = range.htmlText;
				rangeShadow = body.createTextRange();
				restore = function () {
					if (range.text !== "") {
			window.setTimeout(restore, 0);
		if (!body) {
		el = el || body;
		if (window.addEventListener) {
			el.addEventListener("copy", oncopyHandler, false);
		} else {
			el.attachEvent("oncopy", oncopyHandler);

	 * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateElement
	 * @description
	 * Takes the content of the given element and - if there's text - replaces the words
	 * by hyphenated words. If there's another element, the function is called recursively.
	 * When all words are hyphenated, the visibility of the element is set to 'visible'.
	 * @param {Object} el The element to hyphenate
	 * @private
	hyphenateElement = function (el) {
		var hyphenatorSettings = Expando.getDataForElem(el),
			lang = hyphenatorSettings.language, hyphenate, n, i,
			controlOrphans = function (part) {
				var h, r;
				switch (hyphen) {
				case '|':
					h = '\\|';
				case '+':
					h = '\\+';
				case '*':
					h = '\\*';
					h = hyphen;
				if (orphanControl >= 2) {
					//remove hyphen points from last word
					r = part.split(' ');
					r[1] = r[1].replace(new RegExp(h, 'g'), '');
					r[1] = r[1].replace(new RegExp(zeroWidthSpace, 'g'), '');
					r = r.join(' ');
				if (orphanControl === 3) {
					//replace spaces by non breaking spaces
					r = r.replace(/[ ]+/g, String.fromCharCode(160));
				return r;
		if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
			hyphenate = function (word) {
				if (!Hyphenator.doHyphenation) {
					return word;
				} else if (urlOrMailRE.test(word)) {
					return hyphenateURL(word);
				} else {
					return hyphenateWord(lang, word);
			if (safeCopy && (el.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'body')) {
			i = 0;
			while (!!(n = el.childNodes[i++])) {
				if (n.nodeType === 3 && n.data.length >= min) { //type 3 = #text -> hyphenate!
					n.data = n.data.replace(Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp, hyphenate);
					if (orphanControl !== 1) {
						n.data = n.data.replace(/[\S]+ [\S]+$/, controlOrphans);
		if (hyphenatorSettings.isHidden && intermediateState === 'hidden') {
			el.style.visibility = 'visible';
			if (!hyphenatorSettings.hasOwnStyle) {
				el.setAttribute('style', ''); // without this, removeAttribute doesn't work in Safari (thanks to molily)
			} else {
				if (el.style.removeProperty) {
				} else if (el.style.removeAttribute) { // IE
		if (hyphenatorSettings.isLast) {
			state = 3;
			if (documentCount > (-1000) && documentCount <= 0) {
				documentCount = (-2000);

	 * @name Hyphenator-hyphenateDocument
	 * @description
	 * Calls hyphenateElement() for all members of elements. This is done with a setTimout
	 * to prevent a "long running Script"-alert when hyphenating large pages.
	 * Therefore a tricky bind()-function was necessary.
	 * @private
	hyphenateDocument = function () {
		function bind(fun, arg) {
			return function () {
				return fun(arg);
		var i = 0, el;
		while (!!(el = elements[i++])) {
			if (el.ownerDocument.location.href === contextWindow.location.href) {
				window.setTimeout(bind(hyphenateElement, el), 0);

	 * @name Hyphenator-removeHyphenationFromDocument
	 * @description
	 * Does what it says ;-)
	 * @private
	removeHyphenationFromDocument = function () {
		var i = 0, el;
		while (!!(el = elements[i++])) {
		state = 4;
	 * @name Hyphenator-createStorage
	 * @description
	 * inits the private var storage depending of the setting in storageType
	 * and the supported features of the system.
	 * @private
	createStorage = function () {
		try {
			if (storageType !== 'none' &&
				typeof(window.localStorage) !== 'undefined' &&
				typeof(window.sessionStorage) !== 'undefined' &&
				typeof(window.JSON.stringify) !== 'undefined' &&
				typeof(window.JSON.parse) !== 'undefined') {
				switch (storageType) {
				case 'session':
					storage = window.sessionStorage;
				case 'local':
					storage = window.localStorage;
					storage = undefined;
		} catch (f) {
			//FF throws an error if DOM.storage.enabled is set to false
	 * @name Hyphenator-storeConfiguration
	 * @description
	 * Stores the current config-options in DOM-Storage
	 * @private
	storeConfiguration = function () {
		if (!storage) {
		var settings = {
			'STORED': true,
			'classname': hyphenateClass,
			'donthyphenateclassname': dontHyphenateClass,
			'minwordlength': min,
			'hyphenchar': hyphen,
			'urlhyphenchar': urlhyphen,
			'togglebox': toggleBox,
			'displaytogglebox': displayToggleBox,
			'remoteloading': enableRemoteLoading,
			'enablecache': enableCache,
			'onhyphenationdonecallback': onHyphenationDone,
			'onerrorhandler': onError,
			'intermediatestate': intermediateState,
			'selectorfunction': selectorFunction,
			'safecopy': safeCopy,
			'doframes': doFrames,
			'storagetype': storageType,
			'orphancontrol': orphanControl,
			'dohyphenation': Hyphenator.doHyphenation,
			'persistentconfig': persistentConfig,
			'defaultlanguage': defaultLanguage
		storage.setItem('Hyphenator_config', window.JSON.stringify(settings));
	 * @name Hyphenator-restoreConfiguration
	 * @description
	 * Retrieves config-options from DOM-Storage and does configuration accordingly
	 * @private
	restoreConfiguration = function () {
		var settings;
		if (storage.getItem('Hyphenator_config')) {
			settings = window.JSON.parse(storage.getItem('Hyphenator_config'));

	return {
		 * @name Hyphenator.version
		 * @memberOf Hyphenator
		 * @description
		 * String containing the actual version of Hyphenator.js
		 * [major release].[minor releas].[bugfix release]
		 * major release: new API, new Features, big changes
		 * minor release: new languages, improvements
		 * @public
		version: '3.2.0',

		 * @name Hyphenator.doHyphenation
		 * @description
		 * If doHyphenation is set to false (defaults to true), hyphenateDocument() isn't called.
		 * All other actions are performed.
		doHyphenation: true,
		 * @name Hyphenator.languages
		 * @memberOf Hyphenator
		 * @description
		 * Objects that holds key-value pairs, where key is the language and the value is the
		 * language-object loaded from (and set by) the pattern file.
		 * The language object holds the following members:
		 * <table>
		 * <tr><th>key</th><th>desc></th></tr>
		 * <tr><td>leftmin</td><td>The minimum of chars to remain on the old line</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>rightmin</td><td>The minimum of chars to go on the new line</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>shortestPattern</td><td>The shortes pattern (numbers don't count!)</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>longestPattern</td><td>The longest pattern (numbers don't count!)</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>specialChars</td><td>Non-ASCII chars in the alphabet.</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>patterns</td><td>the patterns</td></tr>
		 * </table>
		 * And optionally (or after prepareLanguagesObj() has been called):
		 * <table>
		 * <tr><td>exceptions</td><td>Excpetions for the secified language</td></tr>
		 * </table>
		 * @public
		languages: {},

		 * @name Hyphenator.config
			 * @description
		 * Config function that takes an object as an argument. The object contains key-value-pairs
		 * containig Hyphenator-settings. This is a shortcut for calling Hyphenator.set...-Methods.
		 * @param {Object} obj <table>
		 * <tr><th>key</th><th>values</th><th>default</th></tr>
		 * <tr><td>classname</td><td>string</td><td>'hyphenate'</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>donthyphenateclassname</td><td>string</td><td>''</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>minwordlength</td><td>integer</td><td>6</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>hyphenchar</td><td>string</td><td>'&amp;shy;'</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>urlhyphenchar</td><td>string</td><td>'zero with space'</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>togglebox</td><td>function</td><td>see code</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>displaytogglebox</td><td>boolean</td><td>false</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>remoteloading</td><td>boolean</td><td>true</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>enablecache</td><td>boolean</td><td>true</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>enablereducedpatternset</td><td>boolean</td><td>false</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>onhyphenationdonecallback</td><td>function</td><td>empty function</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>onerrorhandler</td><td>function</td><td>alert(onError)</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>intermediatestate</td><td>string</td><td>'hidden'</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>selectorfunction</td><td>function</td><td>[…]</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>safecopy</td><td>boolean</td><td>true</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>doframes</td><td>boolean</td><td>false</td></tr>
		 * <tr><td>storagetype</td><td>string</td><td>'none'</td></tr>
		 * </table>
		 * @public
		 * @example &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
         * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt;
         *     Hyphenator.config({'minwordlength':4,'hyphenchar':'|'});
         *     Hyphenator.run();
         * &lt;/script&gt;
		config: function (obj) {
			var assert = function (name, type) {
					if (typeof obj[name] === type) {
						return true;
					} else {
						onError(new Error('Config onError: ' + name + ' must be of type ' + type));
						return false;

			if (obj.hasOwnProperty('storagetype')) {
				if (assert('storagetype', 'string')) {
					storageType = obj.storagetype;
				if (!storage) {
			if (!obj.hasOwnProperty('STORED') && storage && obj.hasOwnProperty('persistentconfig') && obj.persistentconfig === true) {
			for (key in obj) {
				if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
					switch (key) {
					case 'STORED':
					case 'classname':
						if (assert('classname', 'string')) {
							hyphenateClass = obj[key];
					case 'donthyphenateclassname':
						if (assert('donthyphenateclassname', 'string')) {
							dontHyphenateClass = obj[key];
					case 'minwordlength':
						if (assert('minwordlength', 'number')) {
							min = obj[key];
					case 'hyphenchar':
						if (assert('hyphenchar', 'string')) {
							if (obj.hyphenchar === '&shy;') {
								obj.hyphenchar = String.fromCharCode(173);
							hyphen = obj[key];
					case 'urlhyphenchar':
						if (obj.hasOwnProperty('urlhyphenchar')) {
							if (assert('urlhyphenchar', 'string')) {
								urlhyphen = obj[key];
					case 'togglebox':
						if (assert('togglebox', 'function')) {
							toggleBox = obj[key];
					case 'displaytogglebox':
						if (assert('displaytogglebox', 'boolean')) {
							displayToggleBox = obj[key];
					case 'remoteloading':
						if (assert('remoteloading', 'boolean')) {
							enableRemoteLoading = obj[key];
					case 'enablecache':
						if (assert('enablecache', 'boolean')) {
							enableCache = obj[key];
					case 'enablereducedpatternset':
						if (assert('enablereducedpatternset', 'boolean')) {
							enableReducedPatternSet = obj[key];
					case 'onhyphenationdonecallback':
						if (assert('onhyphenationdonecallback', 'function')) {
							onHyphenationDone = obj[key];
					case 'onerrorhandler':
						if (assert('onerrorhandler', 'function')) {
							onError = obj[key];
					case 'intermediatestate':
						if (assert('intermediatestate', 'string')) {
							intermediateState = obj[key];
					case 'selectorfunction':
						if (assert('selectorfunction', 'function')) {
							selectorFunction = obj[key];
					case 'safecopy':
						if (assert('safecopy', 'boolean')) {
							safeCopy = obj[key];
					case 'doframes':
						if (assert('doframes', 'boolean')) {
							doFrames = obj[key];
					case 'storagetype':
						if (assert('storagetype', 'string')) {
							storageType = obj[key];
					case 'orphancontrol':
						if (assert('orphancontrol', 'number')) {
							orphanControl = obj[key];
					case 'dohyphenation':
						if (assert('dohyphenation', 'boolean')) {
							Hyphenator.doHyphenation = obj[key];
					case 'persistentconfig':
						if (assert('persistentconfig', 'boolean')) {
							persistentConfig = obj[key];
					case 'defaultlanguage':
						if (assert('defaultlanguage', 'string')) {
							defaultLanguage = obj[key];
						onError(new Error('Hyphenator.config: property ' + key + ' not known.'));
			if (storage && persistentConfig) {

		 * @name Hyphenator.run
			 * @description
		 * Bootstrap function that starts all hyphenation processes when called.
		 * @public
		 * @example &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
         * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt;
         *   Hyphenator.run();
         * &lt;/script&gt;
		run: function () {
			documentCount = 0;
			var process = function () {
				try {
					if (contextWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('frameset').length > 0) {
						return; //we are in a frameset
					//console.log('preparing for ' + contextWindow.location.href);
					if (displayToggleBox) {
				} catch (e) {
			}, i, haveAccess, fl = window.frames.length;
			if (!storage) {
			if (!documentLoaded && !isBookmarklet) {
				runOnContentLoaded(window, process);
			if (isBookmarklet || documentLoaded) {
				if (doFrames && fl > 0) {
					for (i = 0; i < fl; i++) {
						haveAccess = undefined;
						//try catch isn't enough for webkit
						try {
							//opera throws only on document.toString-access
							haveAccess = window.frames[i].document.toString();
						} catch (e) {
							haveAccess = undefined;
						if (!!haveAccess) {
							contextWindow = window.frames[i];
				contextWindow = window;
		 * @name Hyphenator.addExceptions
			 * @description
		 * Adds the exceptions from the string to the appropriate language in the 
		 * {@link Hyphenator-languages}-object
		 * @param {string} lang The language
		 * @param {string} words A comma separated string of hyphenated words WITH spaces.
		 * @public
		 * @example &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
         * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt;
         *   Hyphenator.addExceptions('de','ziem-lich, Wach-stube');
         *   Hyphenator.run();
         * &lt;/script&gt;
		addExceptions: function (lang, words) {
			if (lang === '') {
				lang = 'global';
			if (exceptions.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
				exceptions[lang] += ", " + words;
			} else {
				exceptions[lang] = words;
		 * @name Hyphenator.hyphenate
			 * @public
		 * @description
		 * Hyphenates the target. The language patterns must be loaded.
		 * If the target is a string, the hyphenated string is returned,
		 * if it's an object, the values are hyphenated directly.
		 * @param {string|Object} target the target to be hyphenated
		 * @param {string} lang the language of the target
		 * @returns string
		 * @example &lt;script src = "Hyphenator.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
		 * &lt;script src = "patterns/en.js" type = "text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
         * &lt;script type = "text/javascript"&gt;
		 * var t = Hyphenator.hyphenate('Hyphenation', 'en'); //Hy|phen|ation
		 * &lt;/script&gt;
		hyphenate: function (target, lang) {
			var hyphenate, n, i;
			if (Hyphenator.languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
				if (!Hyphenator.languages[lang].prepared) {
				hyphenate = function (word) {
					if (urlOrMailRE.test(word)) {
						return hyphenateURL(word);
					} else {
						return hyphenateWord(lang, word);
				if (typeof target === 'string' || target.constructor === String) {
					return target.replace(Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp, hyphenate);
				} else if (typeof target === 'object') {
					i = 0;
					while (!!(n = target.childNodes[i++])) {
						if (n.nodeType === 3 && n.data.length >= min) { //type 3 = #text -> hyphenate!
							n.data = n.data.replace(Hyphenator.languages[lang].genRegExp, hyphenate);
						} else if (n.nodeType === 1) {
							if (n.lang !== '') {
								Hyphenator.hyphenate(n, n.lang);
							} else {
								Hyphenator.hyphenate(n, lang);
			} else {
				onError(new Error('Language "' + lang + '" is not loaded.'));
		 * @name Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet
			 * @description
		 * Returns {@link Hyphenator-isBookmarklet}.
		 * @param {string} lang the language patterns are stored for
		 * @returns object {'patk': pat}
		 * @public
		getRedPatternSet: function (lang) {
			return Hyphenator.languages[lang].redPatSet;
		 * @name Hyphenator.isBookmarklet
			 * @description
		 * Returns {@link Hyphenator-isBookmarklet}.
		 * @returns boolean
		 * @public
		isBookmarklet: function () {
			return isBookmarklet;

		getConfigFromURI: function () {
			var loc = null, re = {}, jsArray = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i, j, l, s, gp, option;
			for (i = 0, l = jsArray.length; i < l; i++) {
				if (!!jsArray[i].getAttribute('src')) {
					loc = jsArray[i].getAttribute('src');
				if (!loc) {
				} else {
					s = loc.indexOf('Hyphenator.js?');
					if (s === -1) {
					gp = loc.substring(s + 14).split('&');
					for (j = 0; j < gp.length; j++) {
						option = gp[j].split('=');
						if (option[0] === 'bm') {
						if (option[1] === 'true') {
							re[option[0]] = true;
						if (option[1] === 'false') {
							re[option[0]] = false;
						if (isFinite(option[1])) {
							re[option[0]] = parseInt(option[1], 10);
						if (option[0] === 'onhyphenationdonecallback') {
							re[option[0]] = new Function('', option[1]);
						re[option[0]] = option[1];
			return re;

		 * @name Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation
			 * @description
		 * Checks the current state of the ToggleBox and removes or does hyphenation.
		 * @public
		toggleHyphenation: function () {
			if (Hyphenator.doHyphenation) {
				Hyphenator.doHyphenation = false;
			} else {
				Hyphenator.doHyphenation = true;

//Export properties/methods (for google closure compiler)
Hyphenator['languages'] = Hyphenator.languages;
Hyphenator['config'] = Hyphenator.config;
Hyphenator['run'] = Hyphenator.run;
Hyphenator['addExceptions'] = Hyphenator.addExceptions;
Hyphenator['hyphenate'] = Hyphenator.hyphenate;
Hyphenator['getRedPatternSet'] = Hyphenator.getRedPatternSet;
Hyphenator['isBookmarklet'] = Hyphenator.isBookmarklet;
Hyphenator['getConfigFromURI'] = Hyphenator.getConfigFromURI;
Hyphenator['toggleHyphenation'] = Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation;
window['Hyphenator'] = Hyphenator;

if (Hyphenator.isBookmarklet()) {
	Hyphenator.config({displaytogglebox: true, intermediatestate: 'visible', doframes: true});

/* Not Hyphenator.js below */

// From https://gist.github.com/705071
// And http://code.google.com/p/ligature-js/
function smarten(a)
	a = a.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/(\[{"\s])'/g, "$1\u2018");      // opening singles
	a = a.replace(/'/g, "\u2019");                             // closing singles & apostrophes
	a = a.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/(\[{\u2018\s])"/g, "$1\u201c"); // opening doubles
	a = a.replace(/"/g, "\u201d");                             // closing doubles

	a = a.replace(/ffl/g, 'ffl')
                .replace(/ffi/g, 'ffi')
                .replace(/fl/g, 'fl')
                .replace(/fi/g, 'fi')
                .replace(/ff/g, 'ff')
                .replace(/ij/g, 'ij')
                .replace(/IJ/g, 'IJ');

	return a

function smartenNode(node)
	if(node.nodeType == 3)
		node.nodeValue = smarten(node.nodeValue);

// From http://blog.dingoeweb.com/javascript/recursive-iteration-through-the-html-dom
iterate = function iterate(task, node)
	for(var x = 0; x < node.childNodes.length; x++)
		var childNode = node.childNodes[x];
		if(childNode.childNodes.length > 0)
			iterate(task, childNode);

document.getElementById('searchInput').placeholder = "Search Wikipedia…";

document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerText = "Edit";

document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('h5')[0].innerText = "Tools";
document.getElementById('p-coll-print_export').getElementsByTagName('h5')[0].innerText = "Print";

iterate(smartenNode, document);

	var viewportmeta = document.createElement('meta');
	viewportmeta.setAttribute('name', 'viewport');
	viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0';
	var images = document.getElementsByClassName("thumbinner");
	for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
		images[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].setAttribute('rel', 'lightbox');

	var para = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
	for(var i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
		para[i].className = "hyphenate";
