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EVto is new AUTO and the era of automobiles is coming to final stages, whereas new ERA of EVTO mobiles is coming. EV stands for Electric Vehicles, or vehicles with Zero Emissions. EVto has less moving parts, which would mean less chances of breaking and therefore need of repairs. Less moving parts requires less maintenance, no oil changes, most repairs and adjustments can be performed remotely by logging into computer/ cloud based database dedicated to updates and repairs, which brings us to point of cyber security requirements and also IoT for EVto. EVTO will have more sensors, which means less chances of getting into collisions or accidents, as well as options self driven/ autopilot/ GPS and eventually option for to be driven/ floating utilizing WIG or wind in ground effect and other means to become floating in the air or even on the water. Sounds futuristic? Not at all, drones are used as taxis, WIGcrafts are used as ferries, how long before we see it all combines in one unit of EVto, not long and the way recent scientific discoveries are evolving, it would not be long before we see people flying missions to Mars, utilizing EVtos, using Super sufficient sources of energy, self sustaining, self recharging, floating and flying devices.

007 mission to Mars?!

007 James Bond super alien EVTO- AI, personal unit will no longer be luxury, but necessity, same as you have your cell phone, laptop, it will allow you to get to your destination, consult you on all important issues. You new “wife” will become “Alexa”, “Siri” or new super “Casandra” to cook your meals, make reservations, help your kids do homework, call plumber to fix your leaking pipe, because your real spousemate was complaining, your spouse, whom you last seen when your child was born. Child born through artificial insemination.... Sounds even more futuristic? But current state of affairs allows us to predict that based on facts of progress made in the last 20 years is 1,000,000+ times more significant and/ or life changing than previous 2,000 years. ... and it all started with one Byte Apple product... EVTO and it’s by products: Super EVTO UBER EVTO Space EVto Utility EVto Marine EVto EVto Craft By 2050 new generation will barely remember smell of DIESEL or Gasoline Passing driving test is going to be the same as reading instruction learning learning how to use new app Keys, meaning as we know it will become a code, that will be attached to you and interact with your DNA, through the chip in your shoulder that work’s wirelessly, passports to identify you as an individual, will be available through your DNA chip. Passing passport control on the border will be done just as effortlessly as passing EZ PASS or metal detector. Credit cards will be embedded into the same DNA chip, that will be injected at birth. Credit cards are obsolete?!?! EVto will have unique features getting you to your destination telepathically, this is for the second part of XXI century and will be available by 2065. Education is done by downloading of specific data base, currently known as cloud, but what future brings...? Brain is a new frontier to conquer. Quantum Math, physics, mechanics will become part of common knowledge. Para psychology will become generally acceptable as true and valid science, for it becomes obvious that ESP, is simply function of the brain that is available to anyone who wants to learn to use it properly. Just one look, that’s all it took... is the way to communicate and control your EVTO. Many industries will cease to exist. Auto repairs will become Auto conversion ICE(internal combustion engine)into EVTO. Television sets obsolete, will be replaced by projection device, that could even be projected from your phones. Portland cement will become obsolete, new compounds, consisting of new set of elements, as well as using sustainable recycled materials and will last longer and be much better quality, examples of it could be Egyptian Pyramids or Roman Aqueducts were built by utilizing pozzolan like materials, ash from volcanoes and similar material containing silica, magnesium and other sustainable materials, actually more like polymers- non porous, no cracks, can withstand any earth weather conditions.

Fossil fuels become practically obsolete. New sources of energy will be magnetic power of the planet Earth, energy currently stored in what surrounds us and proof that it’s there is lightning aka energy discharge, magnetic power in permanent magnets converted to electricity and stored by newly developed storage devices and all applicable to use as new power sources of EVTOs Other sources of energy could be used are sand and CO2 obtained from the air. Graphene recently discovered and newly deployed products are perfect to use in EVTOs, it will make them lighter, stronger and safer. Lighter factor will contribute to use of less energy... To be continued New sources of energy will cut down on new oil and gas exploration, Deep sea drilling, Coal mining will come to the halt, Low producing oil wells will be too expensive to operate. Gas stations will be the landmarks of yesteryear...