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Olupandu Village


Olupandu Village is one of the smallest villages in Namibia.The village is situated in Okalongo Constituency, in Omusati region.The village has about 47 houses and about a 600 people.There is a government school in the village called Oshatotwa combined school. The village is about 5 Killometers from Okalongo town and its neghbouring villages are; Olupito village ,Omuthitu-gwonyama village,Uupale village,Epoko vllage ,Ondobe-Yefidi village and Onembaba village.The councillor of Okalongo is Hon.Elizabeth Mwanyangapo and the headman of Olupandu is Mr Elman Nuuyoma.

The Name Olupandu


The name Olupandu is oshiwambo name which means "Thanks".According to the late Tate Hipangelwa Tuutaleni,he explained that the name was given to the village for them to thank God for protecting them during the war of the last kwanyama king Mandume Ndemufayo at Oihole village in Angola.The time of chief Nehale Mpingana,chief Samuel Maharero,Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi and many others and lead them to Okalongo kaHaudano.

The Founders of the village


The village was established in 1927 with the help of Ovambadja tribe from the neighbour country Angolaand other members of Okalongo constituancy.According to tate Matias Walaula,the Leader of Okalongo said they this people went to Angola to stuggle for the freedom of Namibia around 1919,then in 1924 they came back in Namibia and stat establishing Okalongo and their leader who came up with the idea is the late Tate Haudano Wangwali.From 1926 they start establishing villages where Olupandu village is included.That time our founder president Dr Sam Nuuyoma was 3 years old.

Their Missions


Omusati Regional Council is dedicated to plan, facilitate, coordinate and implement integrated and sustainable regional development and provide quality services in collaboration with all its stakeholders in order to improve the living standards for all in the region.

Features and Natural beauty that make the village beautful


There are beautiful and attractive trees and grazing for animals.During the rain season the dams and ponds are full of water and they usually catch fish and frogs.They harvest Omahangu (millet) as the staple crop, from which they make important food and drink like Oshifima,Omungome,Oshikundu,Okatokele, Omalodu,etc.There are different types of birds and domestic animals like cattles, there are pig farms and Oshiwambo chicken farm where they make profit to help the vulnerable and orphaned children in the village.The women of the community work hard and they come up with various projects of traditional crafts like Oitoo, Oimbale, Omatiti and many others for them to have profit for their children.

Some of their traditions are


They make taraditional beer and they drink it with their traditional cup which they call Eholo.They make traditional cooking oil,made from Marura trees which they call Odjove.They wear oshivambo traditional clothes like Odelela and Onguwo for woman and Ombwaka for men.They use this dresses for their traditional dancing like Omushingo ,Omupembe wandema,Onghandeka ,Ongovela and others and they use them in traditional marriage "Olufuko".They eat Oshivambo traditional foods and fruits like Oshifima,Omungome,Eembe,Eenyandi,Omakwa,Omahola,Omakunde,Omatanga,Eefuka etc


