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About Homo fortunatus (happy human)


I am Ksenia, education is Politechnical University, specialized in innovation technologies, member of the project "Homo fortunatus", launched in USA and now known worldwide. Having access to the resourses of the project I am eager to make my input to Wikipedia. Homo fortunatus (happy human) is international scientific and social project. Its slogan is: “Human being is born to be happy”. What is happiness, satisfaction, how to reach it, how do they survive it? We live on the jeopardizing scientific technological progress. Everywhere we hear discussions if mobile are dangerous, if note-book is causing brain cancer. We have to study their benefits and escape hazards. Spreading these knowledge improves people life quality.

Materials presented are based at the research results

  • The Martha Entenmann Tinnitus Research Center, Inc., Brooklyn, NY [1]
  • Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society, Reg., Bad Kissingen, Germany [2]
  • Merk manual series [3]
  • Society for Neuroscience [4]
  • Barany society [5]