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hi im hotdurger

born 1996, white + amab + pansexual + genderqueer fem

before the stress of xenos made me drop out, i was studying engineering physics and human computer interaction at tOSU. i was in the den sphere in xenos from 2015-2018, directly fucking me over from ages 19-22

if u dont kno what that means it means i was under the church elder/leader dennis mccallum's school of theology. a suprisingly calvinistic hybrid of nearly every western sect of christianity.

xenos was great. i honestly cherish my memories from when i was there. what memories i have managed to drag out of the depths of my subconscious thru lengthy expensive therapy sessions.

i still cant remember the name of my best friend, who killed himself in our ministry house.

we are already having enough deaths at the hands of fascists, no more, plz. speaking as a faggot who has lost just as many friends to natural causes as xenos-induced suicide (multiple on both sides). we dont need any more deaths

https://www.xenosisacult.com/ https://www.xenosisacult.com/ https://www.xenosisacult.com/