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A system for sharing that encourages participation and engagement by awarding badges for activities including various community and skill activities. Pilot: Webcraft community - course communities and wider community Notes:

Social network platform benefits:

  • Continued social learning
  • Artifact sharing, peer assessment
  • Reputation, building up currency in community
  • Persistence
  • Networking
  • Social networking (find similar people)
  • Get some of the campus experience, Serendipity

finish the course - get 3 or 4 badges, now enter the wider community

if you have a question - you can find people you were in a course with before and tag discussion questions with your course tag

still have a community of people that you can ask questions through or network

help you get some of the experience that you do on a campus

also, helping with finding jobs persistence? graduated, course is done, etc. - how does the community persist?

course bootstraps the community Stack Overflow-like system

discussions, artifacts, create community

Another to check out: Quora Big question(s):

course-community specific or p2pu wide?

be mindful of each layer of abstraction - will this work at each layer? How can we effectively filter or make things easy to find

Should the community be semi-curated?

Where is line (if any) between public and private content? How do we deal with artifacts?

badges && reputation:

Badges are aimed to individual and reputation is community

However, badges signal the reputation to a community

The community assigns value to a badge which leads to reputation in that community What are the badges? ('tendency to measure things that are easy to measure <--avoid this!)'

One framework:

Ontology of the structure of knowledge of particular domain:

  1. community
  2. nature of the knowledge
  3. characteristics of the learner
  4. feedback - increasing the number of feedback items, rapidity of feedback,self, peer community (expert community in topic or space)

we know that these are a generic infrastructure for how people learn - intersectionality "My" badges about myself

"Here are my interests, my strengths, and my aspirations..." badges on these signal my interest in finding others, getting help from others, and giving help to others in these domains...

"K" badges around knowledge ontology

"Here are badges given to me by others in various fields" these signal that others feel my knowledge is helpful to them and may be of help to others. Maybe these signal a level within a field? like K: Expert in Educational Technology or K: Visitor (or Camper, or Sojourner, or Wayfarer, or Resident, or Mentor...)

"Our" badges around community

"Here are badges I have earned through community action" these signal ways in which I have made contributions to the community, and which communities I am part of.

"Coach" badges around feedback (assessment of the assessment)

"Here are badges I have given to others based on my assessment of their knowledge, skills, ideas, etc." these signal the sort of things I look for when giving feedback. "New Coach in Educational Technology, or Experienced Coach in Educational Technology."

If there is value to the reputation, people will figure out how to game it (and we want the "gaming" to embed the values of the larger language game so that as people figure out the system, their knowledge & actions are shaped by the community but also challenge the community so make the recognition but not totally awesome

so we need to design something that is great for the learner/learning reflection - documenting the actions you made - a good comment should explain the decision that you made or it should be clearly written

did I do something that I was trying to do - did learning happen?

how can we pull that stuff out and badge it? ratings of questions. can edit questions once you have What do these badges unlock?

How are badges awarded? automatic? by peers?

Current thinking: official and unofficial (or some other names - P2PU badges, Partner badges, Community Badges


created by P2PU or partners

many are automatically evaluated and assigned

partner or skill related badges may be assigned by the course organizer or some other mechanism (OPEN ISSUE)


Created by users and assigned by users

Synonymous with user tags, but two ways to accomplish the same thing

i.e. I can tag a user's post with "Super Peer" or I can click the "Badge This!" icon and select the badge from a visual list of the existing UNOFFICIAL available badges or I can opt to create a new one

SYSTEM 2.0 - expose data to allow user to define algorithms for automatically awarded badges Do badges expire? Need to maintain to keep badge?

At GrockIt - badges v leader boards (timely) - FourSquare model Do skill badges expire or do you reaffirm them by doing higher level skills?

As you rise up in the system - you earn privileges but you have higher expectations

How does this play out in the system - what do "higher expectations" look like? are we talking about multiple reputations?

when we show people reputation, changes their behavior - increases competition for those that are driven by competition, but forces others to drop out

Yahoo reputation systems work: http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/social/people/reputation/ self-designed assessment:

test based programming as a metaphor

ante up for what you have done - 'I believe this website is valid'

you almost design your own assessment

you go until you pass it but just passing it doesn't mean you wrote good assessments

have others critique the TEST personas:

would be helpful to know who is in this community

develop personas to develop problems/approaches

could look at how much people learn (delta) or everyone earns a certain level regardless of initial capacity

measuring process versus output KEEP IN MIND:

For learners, the primary objective is the learning. For us, it's that as well as facilitating an active community. So make sure we balance them and don't lose sight of driving the learning. MOVING FORWARD: INTERESTS

Phillip: fearless leader
Erin: continuing requirements gathering, wireframes, Ux, research on motivation, surveys or A/B (group) testing to understand effects of the badges and system

Bo: requirements, research on reputation, experiment with multiple groups (Ian)

Ruth: Ux, group of young people we could test it on (ideas in her own platform)

Ari: information that can apply back to GrockIt, continuing to be part of the process

Pippa: expanding and advancing the Webcraft community/program, sit within the wider p2pu community


  • Erin
  • Ruth
  • Bo
  • Ari
  • Martin
  • Pippa


A system for sharing that encourages participation and engagement by awarding badges for activities including various community and skill activities.

Pilot: Webcraft community - course communities and wider community


Social network platform benefits:

  • Continued social learning
  • Artifact sharing, peer assessment
  • Reputation, building up currency in community
  • Persistence
  • Networking
  • Social networking (find similar people)
  • Get some of the campus experience, Serendipity

finish the course - get 3 or 4 badges, now enter the wider community

if you have a question - you can find people you were in a course with before and tag discussion questions with your course tag

still have a community of people that you can ask questions through or network

help you get some of the experience that you do on a campus

also, helping with finding jobs

persistence? graduated, course is done, etc. - how does the community persist?

course bootstraps the community

Stack Overflow-like system

discussions, artifacts, create community

Another to check out: Quora

Big question(s):

course-community specific or p2pu wide?

be mindful of each layer of abstraction - will this work at each layer? How can we effectively filter or make things easy to find

Should the community be semi-curated?

Where is line (if any) between public and private content?

How do we deal with artifacts?

badges && reputation:

Badges are aimed to individual and reputation is community

However, badges signal the reputation to a community

The community assigns value to a badge which leads to reputation in that community

What are the badges? ('tendency to measure things that are easy to measure <--avoid this!)'

One framework:

Ontology of the structure of knowledge of particular domain:

  1. community
  1. nature of the knowledge
  1. characteristics of the learner
  1. feedback - increasing the number of feedback items, rapidity of feedback,self, peer community (expert community in topic or space)

we know that these are a generic infrastructure for how people learn - intersectionality

"My" badges about myself

"Here are my interests, my strengths, and my aspirations..." badges on these signal my interest in finding others, getting help from others, and giving help to others in these domains...

"K" badges around knowledge ontology

"Here are badges given to me by others in various fields" these signal that others feel my knowledge is helpful to them and may be of help to others. Maybe these signal a level within a field? like K: Expert in Educational Technology or K: Visitor (or Camper, or Sojourner, or Wayfarer, or Resident, or Mentor...)

"Our" badges around community

"Here are badges I have earned through community action" these signal ways in which I have made contributions to the community, and which communities I am part of.

"Coach" badges around feedback (assessment of the assessment)

"Here are badges I have given to others based on my assessment of their knowledge, skills, ideas, etc." these signal the sort of things I look for when giving feedback. "New Coach in Educational Technology, or Experienced Coach in Educational Technology."

If there is value to the reputation, people will figure out how to game it (and we want the "gaming" to embed the values of the larger language game so that as people figure out the system, their knowledge & actions are shaped by the community but also challenge the community

so make the recognition but not totally awesome

so we need to design something that is great for the learner/learning

reflection - documenting the actions you made - a good comment should explain the decision that you made or it should be clearly written

did I do something that I was trying to do - did learning happen?

how can we pull that stuff out and badge it? ratings of questions. can edit questions once you have

What do these badges unlock?

How are badges awarded? automatic? by peers?

Current thinking: official and unofficial (or some other names - P2PU badges, Partner badges, Community Badges


created by P2PU or partners

many are automatically evaluated and assigned

partner or skill related badges may be assigned by the course organizer or some other mechanism (OPEN ISSUE)


Created by users and assigned by users

Synonymous with user tags, but two ways to accomplish the same thing

i.e. I can tag a user's post with "Super Peer" or I can click the "Badge This!" icon and select the badge from a visual list of the existing UNOFFICIAL available badges or I can opt to create a new one

SYSTEM 2.0 - expose data to allow user to define algorithms for automatically awarded badges

Do badges expire? Need to maintain to keep badge?

At GrockIt - badges v leader boards (timely) - FourSquare model

Do skill badges expire or do you reaffirm them by doing higher level skills?

As you rise up in the system - you earn privileges but you have higher expectations

How does this play out in the system - what do "higher expectations" look like?

are we talking about multiple reputations?

when we show people reputation, changes their behavior - increases competition for those that are driven by competition, but forces others to drop out

Yahoo reputation systems work: http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/social/people/reputation/

self-designed assessment:

test based programming as a metaphor

ante up for what you have done - 'I believe this website is valid'

you almost design your own assessment

you go until you pass it but just passing it doesn't mean you wrote good assessments

have others critique the TEST


would be helpful to know who is in this community

develop personas to develop problems/approaches

could look at how much people learn (delta) or everyone earns a certain level regardless of initial capacity

measuring process versus output


For learners, the primary objective is the learning. For us, it's that as well as facilitating an active community. So make sure we balance them and don't lose sight of driving the learning.


Phillip: fearless leader
Erin: continuing requirements gathering, wireframes, Ux, research on motivation, surveys or A/B (group) testing to understand effects of the badges and system

Bo: requirements, research on reputation, experiment with multiple groups (Ian)

Ruth: Ux, group of young people we could test it on (ideas in her own platform)

Ari: information that can apply back to GrockIt, continuing to be part of the process

Pippa: expanding and advancing the Webcraft community/program, sit within the wider p2pu community