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As a member of Wikimedia ZA, we would like to extend you an invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Chapter. This is your opportunity to assist in deciding on the strategic direction for the chapter in the coming year.

Notice of Annual General Meeting


Notice is hereby given in terms of the Articles of Association of Wikimedia ZA NPC, that the Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday, 1 November 2014 at 17:00.

Venue  : To Be Confirmed

The AGM will be followed by the Annual Award Ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments. All members are invited to join us for this event.



Every member entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the Chapter, shall be entitled to appoint another person (whether a member or not) as his or her proxy to attend, speak and vote in his or her stead.

Alternatively members can elect to take part using conference telephone facilities or other similar electronic means. The formal request to take part electronically must be made via email.

A copy of the preliminary proxy form is available here.

If you would like someone else to act as your proxy, and they will be attending the AGM, please complete the Proxy Form authorising the person to vote on your behalf on the day of the AGM. Please note that a signed copy of the proxy form must be presented at the AGM.

If you would like the Chapter Administrator to act as your proxy, please complete the Form and return it either electronically to The Administrator or post it to :

Wikimedia ZA
Postnet Suite #146
Private Bag X9190
Cape Town

If you prefer to join the AGM virtually, please send your formal request to The Administrator

Please note that proxies and requests to participate in the AGM electronically must reach The Administrator by Friday, 31 October 2014 at 18:00 in order to be valid.

More information on appointing a proxy can be found under the Articles of Association

Call for Directors


Persons elected onto the Board of Trustees do so on a voluntary basis, and must adhere to the Code of Discipline for Directors as contained in the By Laws of the Chapter.

Elected members must also adhere to the Code of Conduct as prescribed by the Wikimedia Foundation.

More information on Directorship can be found in the Articles of Association

The current board and the structure of the Chapter can be viewed here

If you would like to nominate a candidate for consideration, please send an e-mail to the Administrator by no later than 24 October 2014 using the template below.

As a member of Wikimedia South Africa, I hereby nominate for election as a member of the Board of Trustees the following candidate.

Name of Candidate

Username of Candidate

Contact Number of Candidate

Please note that the nominee need not be a member of the Chapter.

Preliminary Agenda


Opening and Welcome


Dumisani Ndubane, President of the Chapter



The quorum at a meeting of members shall be at least 3 members or 20% of the members (whichever number is greater) entitled to vote, personally present, or by proxy.

Approval of Previous AGM Minutes


Approval of the Minutes of the Annual AGM of Wikimedia ZA, held on 1 September 2013 which can be viewed here

Report from President


Report from current President, Dumisani Ndubane

The Chapter over the past year from an Administrative point of view

  • PAYE Registration
  • SARS Registration
  • Appointment of Auditors
  • Updating Company Documents
  • NPO Registration (pending)
  • VAT Registration (pending)
  • Monthly Payroll Administration
  • Annual Audits
  • Registration of official business address
  • Banking Access and Additional Account
  • Petty Cash System
  • Online Filing System

Wikimedia ZA Projects in 2014

  • Wiki Loves Monuments
  • Joburgpedia
  • Wikimania 2015
  • WikiIndaba
  • GLAM - Libraries
  • Wikizero
  • Open Access
  • Open Book Festival
  • Xhosa Project
  • Kiwix
  • Wiki Meetups
  • FDC Grant Application
  • OSF Grant Application - 2nd application

Projects in 2015

  • Wiki Loves Monuments
  • Joburgpedia
  • WikiIndaba
  • GLAM - Libraries
  • Wikizero
  • Open Access
  • Open Book Festival
  • Xhosa Project
  • Kiwix
  • Wiki Meetups
  • Kaapedia
  • Wiki Loves Wildlife



Members at the end of 2013 - to be renewed

  1. Blessing Chataira
  2. Maarten Deneckere
  3. Charlene Foster
  4. Michelle Gallaway
  5. Ian Gilfillan
  6. Isla Haddow-Flood (Director)
  7. Andrew Hall
  8. Kagiso Keepile
  9. David Robert Lewis
  10. Ashley Lile
  11. Thelma Machogo
  12. Shaneel Maharaj
  13. Kerryn McKay
  14. Maseme Mokoena
  15. Mohau Monaledi
  16. David Morris
  17. Dumisani Ndubane (President)
  18. Lourie Pieterse
  19. David Richfield (Director)
  20. Nick Roux
  21. Douglas Scott (Director)
  22. Auke Slotegraaf

New Members

  1. Tobias Schonwetter
  2. Bobby Shabangu
  3. Theresa Hume

The Chapter is faced with the challenge of Expanding membership and connecting with Wikimedians / Wikipedians.



Special Resolutions


Require a 75% majority to pass

All resolutions to reach The Administrator by no later than 24 October 2014.

Ordinary Resolutions


Require a 50% + 1

All resolutions to reach The Administrator by no later than 24 October 2014.

  1. Motion to Approve minutes of the previous AGM
  2. Motion to Appoint Board Members
  3. Motion to elect President
  4. Motion to set membership fees at R 30.00 per annum

Election of Directors


Election of Chapter President


Next Meeting


To be advised via mailing list.





Please indicate your attendance by including your name below :

--Humetheresa (talk) 09:21, 6 August 2014 (UTC)