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This page was created to explain the workings of a hydroponic growing ststem created by Michael Lee Stamps living in Pensacola, Florida. Deep Water Flow or (DWF) or Deep Water Gravity Flow (DWGF) is the name is for a hydroponic system created by Michael Lee Stamps Living in Pensacola, Florida. The term derived from the combination of the name "deep water culture" and the word "gravity flow" to explain the basic operation of his idea. The "deep water flow" system uses the least amount of energy to move water furthest from the point of origin of the flow. This allows the cost of producing, growing, and aiding plants in production to be less expensive by means of using less energy to move water. This savings of energy on a large scale, means that production from the "deep water flow" cuts cost of energy input which decreases operating costs. Since a body of water will self level, the system must be built and maintain its level from one end to the other and that is the claim of his system. The difference between Deep Water Flow Systems and Deep Water Culture, is that Deep Water Culture (DWC) uses water that is static (non-moving) or introduction of bubbles to aid in movement of water and Deep Water Flow (DWF) uses water displacement to create a flow of water across all plant sites contained within the system. There is no commercial system that uses this method as the primary source of moving water as of the writing of this article on April 15. 2013. There is no documents that explain this operation and explain the advantages of this system other than this written article as of April 16, 2013.