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Throughout the years, determining the contributing factors for obesity in the United States has caused many scientific studies to take place. Though, these studies have resulted in numerous theories as to what those key factors are. When looking through the span of these theories, the most common are too much food and too little exercise. What was also found was that the kinds of food we eat plays a huge factor as well. Now dieting is looked upon as something that individuals can do to start reversing the increasing obesity rates, when watching what kind of foods they are eating, but the only issue is that it can be very confusing to the public. They are having trouble determining what to eat and what not to eat as well as how much or how little they should. For example, when dieting people tend to head straight to low-fat or fat-free products all the while not really knowing that those items can be just as damaging to the body as the items with fat are. As far as the theoretical contributing factor of too little exercise, one thing that can be pointed out is that only a small amount, 20%, of jobs require physical activity. Therefore most of our time working is spent sitting.

Also, the probability of obesity can even start before birth due to things that the mother does such as smoking and gaining a lot of weight.[1]

  1. ^ Writers, Staff. "Why are Americans Obese?". PublicHealth.org. Retrieved 2019-02-26.